Living Out Your Victory

Call To Prayer

Title: Living Out Your Victory

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 25.01.2023


For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.ย 1 John 5:4 NIV


One of the things Christ has given to us in Christ is victory over the enemy. However, many Christians are not aware of this, and they live as though they have not been given. The right knowledge of the finished work of Jesus Christ will help inspire faith in us in obtaining this in Him.

Man has been the interest of two kingdoms; the Kingdom of light and that of darkness. The kingdom of darkness has been causing the fallen man to walk in ways displeasing to God. Because he was weak, he could not say no to its desires. The desires of the kingdom of darkness are expressed in three ways “.. the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 John 2:15-17). However, Jesus has overcome for us Christians (John 16:32), by offering Himself as a spotless Lamb.

To come into the experience of this victory, we have to know it enough to thank Him for it. Thanksgiving is the highest expression of faith. The more we thank Him for His finished works, the more grace is available to us to live above sin. Secondly, to live out the victory over the enemy, we must learn to rest in Him. If our minds are focused on overcoming sin, it is as though we are not acknowledging Christ’s overcoming for us. Rather, our minds should be filled with Him and His goodness. As we do this, our righteous nature finds expression through us.

Thanksgiving and taking our rest in Him help us to manifest the victory Christ has given to us in Himself.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today, and pray for the grace to thank Him always and rest in His presence.


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