The Lord of the furnace


Date: 21/08/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.ย 

Title โ€“ย The Lord of the furnace


Matthew 18:20 โ€“ For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.ย 


There are so many teachings going on in the world concerning the gathering of believers in prayer. Some believe that Jesus said we should go into our closets when praying, so for that reason, there is no need for corporate prayers. Well, individual beliefs may differ, but I believe there is so much evidence in the Bible to suggest that corporate prayers and the gathering of the saints in prayer is as important today as it was before.

Two weeks ago, we had a very beautiful encounter with the Lord. Other believers and I meet every morning, from Monday to Friday, to pray for the youth of our church. On the 6th of August 2021, we gathered as usual early in the morning to pray on the zoom platform. In the course of the prayer, we heard another male voice praying with us, meanwhile, I was the only male in the prayer group. We have one married woman in the group with us, so I thought it was her husband.

After the prayer session, she called me and asked whether the male voice we heard was a friend of mine who joined us for the meeting that morning. I replied that I even thought it was her husband. We asked the other two ladies in the meeting, and they also said no one was with them. We were all amazed but not very much surprised. For we believe that He is always present but decided to show Himself vividly that morning.ย ย 

The understanding the Holy Spirit granted me from that experience was that He is the Lord of the furnace. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar, the Lord came to be with them (Daniel 3). So, the Holy Spirit made me understand that anytime His children gather with one accord and engage in fervent prayers, the atmosphere is like a burning fiery furnace, and at that moment, He is always there.

When we come before God, there is no magic in the location, but distractions and disturbances should be removed. Be it online or face-to-face, we should adopt the same attitude. The power is in oneness. From our verse for today, Jesus Christ emphasises that whenever His children gather in His name He is there. We should be conscious of His presence even if nobody is watching us.

I want us to be encouraged today and know that the Lord is with us, especially in our prayer sessions. Let us not forsake the gathering of the saints, for God is present and working things out for our good. Be encouraged and be blessed.

Prayer Point:

Let us pray and thank God for His word today and the answers to our prayers. Let us also pray for a deeper understanding of the need for corporate prayers and the gathering of the saints. Finally, let us pray for the grace to be conscious of His presence in our prayer sessions and daily lives.

God bless you all!

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