The Lord Will Build His Church


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 09.10.2022

Title: The Lord Will Build His Church


And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

ย (Matthew 16:18 NKJV)


Many Churches and Ministries were affected by the Covid-19 Lockdown, and some havenโ€™t still fully recovered even in this post-Covid era. The attendance of most Ministries has reduced drastically. This is because some members got used to being at home and others are still afraid of large Gatherings because of the fear of being infected with Covid. It may look a bit discouraging at times if you consider the number of people present at our Gatherings. However, letโ€™s not focus on attendance but rather focus on the presence of God (Matt 18:20). We must also know that the Church belongs to the Lord, and He will surely build His Church (Matt 16:18).

It is very important to note that the Church belongs to the Lord although it is men who physically build and run its day-to-day affairs and administration. Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which the Church is built (1 Peter 2:4-6, Eph 2:20). He is the Chief cornerstone, and the Pastors, Prophets, Apostles, Teachers, Evangelists, and devoted Christians are the living stones that the Lord is using to build His Church.

Therefore, when Jesus talked about building His Church on a โ€œRockโ€, He was not referring to Peter. However, He was referring to the Revelation that His heavenly Father gave to Peter: โ€œJesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.โ€ Although Peter played a very vital role in the building of the Church, he was not the foundation of the Church. Peter himself acknowledged that Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone upon which the Church was built (1 Peter 2:6).

After the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and the coming of the holy Spirit, the early Disciples and Apostles began spreading the message that Jesus is the Christ. They moved from one City to another and one Country to another. They were met with huge opposition, and some even lost their lives (Acts 7). However, all these oppositions couldnโ€™t stop the growth of the Church and now many have come to know and believe in Jesus as Christ, the son of the living God. This was the doing of the Lord, and He is still building His Church.

The word of God also makes us understand that our body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor 3:20, 1 Cor 6:19-20). If even we humans go to a large extent to keep our homes clean, safe, and well-cared for, how much more is the greatest mighty God? If you make God the Lord of your life and your body becomes His temple, He will definitely provide and take care of you. Being conscious of the presence of God in your body helps a Believer to keep his/her body from unholy acts and also strengthen his/her Faith to overcome every obstacle.

Beloved in the Lord, you or your Ministry may be going through some difficult times at the moment but donโ€™t worry. Keep the Faith. If Jehovah is the Lord of your Ministry, He will surely build it. If you make Jehovah the Lord of your Life, He will build your Life and no man or spiritual entity will be able to stop Him.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to be conscious that the Church belongs to Him, and our Body is His Temple. Letโ€™s also pray for the Grace to make Jehovah the Lord of our lives and Ministries.

God bless you all


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