The Name Jesus

Call to Prayerย 

Title: The Name Jesus

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 11.07.2023


He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him Psalm 91:15 KJV


Studying through scriptures, we will see that naming was an important activity done by people of faith. The name of an individual is usually discerned from the circumstances surrounding the birth or formation of that individual, or it is a description of God’s purpose or assignment for that individual.

For example, the name Adam means son of the red earth, and this was because Adam, who was the first man, was formed from the earth (Gen. 2:7). Again, the name Noah means “Rest”, and Noah was a man God used to bring rest and comfort to humanity who had been ravaged by the consequences of their sins (Gen. 5:29). In the same manner, the names of God are descriptive of the function He fulfills when invoked. Before the creation of man God is, and His names are. In order to make known His names to humanity, He creates a circumstance to reveal or declare his name. One of such instances was the raising of Pharaoh and the deliverance of Israel where He declared His name to all nations as the redeemer (Rom. 9:17).

As stated above, when any of His name is mentioned in faith, He manifests Himself based on the revelation of the name. Just imagine how many names God has, and not all of them have been known by man. Because God wants us to have access to all of Him at all times, God did something unique. The name Jesus means God saves, and was personified by the second person of the God head, God the Son (who Himself is the word of God), though the name is shared by all the members of the God head (Matt. 28:19, Acts. 2:38). God decided to make His fullness dwell in the Son, for scriptures says “… God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him (Col. 1:19 NIV)”. So whatever name there is that God has, when Jesus Christ is mentioned in faith, the fullness of God is invoked and caused to manifest. Again, God did something more, for the psalmist said “for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name (Psalm 138:2)”. Jesus is the word of God, and though “name” was written in singular in this verse, it was because it was meant to give the meaning “His reputation“, which His names are a description of. Therefore, the name Jesus is lifted above all the other names of God.

This name, Jesus, has been given to us (Acts. 3:6), and it’s all we need to overcome in any situation we are facing. As we mention His name in faith, the fullness of God, which includes healing, favour, honour, wealth, and glory etc., manifests on our behalf.

Prayer Pointย 

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help each believer to call His name in faith.


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