The Necessity of Jesus 

Call To Prayer 

Title: The Necessity of Jesus 

By: Njuacha Hubert 

Date: 25.05.2024 

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing John 15: 5 

We see from scriptures like Matthew 25:35-45 that we will be judged based on how much we loved. No wonder Jesus’s commandment is love one another as I have loved you”. However, as we see in the opening verse, Jesus says Apart from me you can do nothing”. About the context in which he was speaking, he was referring to bearing fruits, which is to love. From this, we see that love is the fruit we bear when we remain attached as a branch to Jesus Christ. So, believing Jesus is not just a one-time thing you do when you accept Jesus Christ but a continuous activity to remain in Christ.  

There are processes where you cannot distort the order and get the same result. The order is part of the process. That is A comes before B and after B comes C. One of those processes is bearing fruit as a branch. A branch must first be part of a tree then it can bear fruit. In the same way, Jesus says we cannot love if we don’t remain in Him. That’s because God is love and Jesus is God with us (Mathew 1:23). So, we need the full source of love which is Jesus to love. Let’s emphasize this; You cannot love without Jesus; trying to do so is futile and leads to frustration and is called self-righteousness. 

We remain in Jesus by continuing to hear His word. Spending time with Him by praying and meditating upon Him. By praising Him. Through this, you will have the power to abide in His love by obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit pointing us on how to love at each moment. Jesus says if we remain in Him and His words in us, we can ask what we want, and it will be granted (1 John 15:7). That’s because we will have faith and know His will and ask according to His will (James 4:2-3). 

It pleases God that we bear fruits of love. However, this doesn’t come without the help of God which is through believing in His son Jesus Christ. That belief ensues a lot of things but indeed it stems from that simple but powerful belief in Him. 

Prayer Point: 

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s pray for the grace to seek to know Jesus more and to live in Him. 


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