The Necessity of Withdrawal

Call to Prayer

Title: The necessity of withdrawal

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 30/07/2022

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.

Luke 5:16

One of the main principles of the kingdom of God is unity and oneness, especially in accomplishing things. That is what makes corporate prayers very important. It is evident that greater power is produced when two or more come together instead of one. The law of synergy operates in that regard. A classic example is when the church prayed for Peter in Acts 12.

Nevertheless, one lesson that Jesus also taught us through His life is the necessity of withdrawal, thus, going somewhere solitary to pray and wait on God. Everything Jesus did during His time on earth is a valuable lesson for the believer. For we know that He led a perfect life, hence there is always positivity attached to the things He did.

He was on His own in the wilderness, fasted forty days and nights through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit before He started His ministry (Matthew 4:1-10). He prayed all night, alone, and the following morning he went about and chose His disciples, those who would continue the work when He is no more (Luke 6:12-16). One significant thing that characterises His withdrawals was the immense power that was seen at work in Him afterwards.

With the hustle of life, especially in our generation, often most people find that the only time they get to pray is when they are in a congregation. At times too, we try to combine prayers with other things such as driving, cooking, doing house chores etc. There is nothing wrong with these forms of prayer, however, God does cherish the solitary moment with Him, devoid of any distraction from other activities. Our Father loves that “me and my Father” moment.

Today, let us be encouraged. Though sometimes it seems the 24hours we have each day is not sufficient, and there are many things to be done. Family and spousal commitments, education and work, business and career and the list goes on and on. Certainly, you are doing much and you are doing well. That notwithstanding, let’s always try and create time for God. Let’s withdraw and have a ‘me and you’ moment with God and we will come back having achieved more then we can ever imagine. Be blessed!

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the consciousness to withdraw and create uninterrupted time for God.

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