The Obedience For Service

Call To Prayer

Title: The Obedience For Service

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 17.08.2023


Then Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men [we have no other choice].ย  ย ( Acts 5:29 AMP)


It is a common phenomenon for the heart of men to be comfortable with the known and be afraid of the unknown sinceย  it is unchartered waters. This is why the necessity of faith is important in the life of a believer because it puts a very high value on the word that God has spoken. Even when you donโ€™t know what the next thing is, you trust Him because He is the Omega.

The Ministry of Aaron which was priestly by design actually started as a help ministry meant to amplify the assignment of God in the hand of Moses. However, one of the things that stood out during Aaronโ€™s call to ministry was that he obeyed without question (Exo. 4:27). Whereas Moses, the chosen one was looking for all manner of excuse to avoid being the messenger that God will send into Egypt.

Eventhough Aaron was not the chosen one, his compliance as an assistant was unwavering. He and his sons will then become pioneers of the levitical priesthood giving up all their ambitions to commit to Godโ€™s service.

Godโ€™s agenda upon earth needs men to carry them out and sometimes they can be time bound in which if he is instructing or speaking and we are afraid, delay or hesitate, he will move on to use someone else. Peter followed Jesus without questions when Jesus called him (Matt. 4:18). He later went on to become a bearer of the goodnews, a faithful witness of Jesus and a defender of the faith.

Is God speaking to you about service delivery in His kingdom? Take a cue from Noah or Aaron and move with obedience knowing that the assignment of the King requires urgency.

Prayer point:

Let us thank God for the word for today. Let us ask for grace to be obedient in His service at all times.


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