The Land of Israel and the Word of God

Call to Prayer

Title: The Land of Israel and the Word of God

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 23.08.2022


Now if we are children, then we are heirsโ€”heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ…

Romans 8:17 NIV


In my last contribution to Call to Prayer, I spoke about how God communicates or reveals His mind to us using allegories. That is, He uses things in the natural to reveal things that exist in the spirit. For example, the Bible mentioned in Psalm 19:1-2 thatย โ€œThe heavensย declareย the glory of God; the skiesย proclaimย the work of his hands. Day after day theyย pour forth speech; night after night theyย reveal knowledge.โ€ย The verbs โ€˜declareย andย proclaimโ€™ย suggest that both the heavens and the skies, which from the natural standpoint are none living things, can speak and their speech reveals knowledge (Psalm 19:2). This affirms the truth that the natural is a voice that reveals the spiritual. But this voice can only be heard by understanding (Psalm 32:8-9).

Last time, I revealed that marriage between a man and a woman is a voice that helps us to understand our (The Church) relationship with Him (Christ). Today, I will speak on Israel as a nation as a voice that points to the word of God. The present land of Israel was given to Abraham as a promise to him and His seed. This was part of the blessings that became the inheritance of the natural descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. As we know, the children of Israel are a figure of believers of Jesus Christ, who is the Blessing. However, the inheritance of believers is Christ Himself, for the bible declares we are heirs of God (Rom. 8:17). Again since God is one with His word (John 1:1), the word of God is our inheritance. Therefore, as the land of Israel is an inheritance to natural Israel, the word of God is the inheritance of believers of Christ, who is spiritual Israel (Rom 9:1-8, Gal. 6:16). To understand the place of the word of God in the life of a believer, we need to see what the Land of Israel represented to the natural descendants of Abraham.

The land of Israel was the location where the natural descendants of Abraham lived. When they are walking right, they are governed by precepts given to them by the Lord. By simply following the regulation of the land, they were worshipping God, for the nationโ€™s laws were the commands of God. Having laws that were reflective of the deity a nation acknowledges was how the nations in those days were governed. Therefore, any time an Israelite leaves the land of Israel to live in another land, it is as though they had left the worship of God Almighty for another god. To see this, consider Davidโ€™s statement to King Saul when he was being hunted by him. David saidย  โ€œ…They have driven me today from my share in the LORDโ€™s inheritance and have said, โ€˜Go, serve other gods (1 Sam. 26:19)โ€.ย As the Land of Israel is a location for the Israelites to dwell, so is the word of God to believers.

As believers, we are to dwell continuously in the word, both in spending time meditating on the word and in the practice of the word. Anything that takes us out of the word, God considers an idol. Idol worshipping in the New Testament does not necessarily mean you are bowing down to a stone image or anything of such literally but cleaving to anything that causes you to sin (to depart from the instructions of God)

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for providing this word today. Let’s ask for the grace, for each believer, to dwell in the word at all times.ย 


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