The Old VS. The New


Title: The Old VS. The New

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 22.06.2022

As has just been said: โ€œToday, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.โ€

Hebrews 3:15 NIV

Some months ago, I and a friend with whom I practice prophetic discernment were exercising our gifts when the Lord said to us that my friend’s Prophetic anointing is of Prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament, that itโ€™s of the old ways and He is no longer there. This revelation came as a surprise, as I know him to be an accurate prophet and have seen predictions from Him fulfilled. This ignited a desire for me to know more about the difference between the Old Testament Prophetic and the New Testament Prophetic.

Having spent considerable time investigating the scriptures on this subject, I can speak about the difference with more authority. Firstly, itโ€™s good for us to know that despite the transition from the Old to the New Testament Prophetic since the resurrection of Christ from the dead, that transition did not stop the old stream (prophetic) from flowing (the old and the new exist concurrently and can flow from the same vessel). The reason for this is that the Old Testament Prophetic serves the man who is not born again or a Christian who is yet to accept some aspect of the redemptive truth (who is yet to understand the Gospel).ย 

Now, the major difference between the Old Testament Prophetic and the New Testament Prophetic is that the Old puts an act of God to be in the future, while the New speaks an act of God to be in the past (He has done it already). For example, one operating in the Old Testament Prophetic anointing can say to a Christianย โ€œThe Lord is going to set you free (from an ailment or a habit)โ€,ย One Operating in the Spirit of the New will rather say โ€œThe Lord has set you free (Roman. 6:18, 1 Peter 2:24)โ€. To simply put it, the New is the Gospel; itโ€™s about what the Lord has done. While the Old is about what the Lord will do.ย Though the Old will be true for one who is not saved (for the benefits of salvation will come when he believes and understand the Gospel), the only benefit the old will give to a believer is an expectation, which is a form of faith, but it will not bring fulfilment. The fulfilment will only come to a believer when he or she accepts and understand the new. For example, a believer who is still waiting for God to set them free from sin will keep on sinning until they accept that they have been set free already.

Another difference between the Old Testament Prophetic and the New Testament Prophetic is that we have the mind of Christ (1Cor. 2:16). This means we do not have to hear audibly or see a vision before we know we have heard from God. The Old Testament folks were not united with God, So most dependent on visions and dreams to hear from God ( apart from a few who were declared righteous) but for us in the New Testament, we have received the Holy Spirit and by Him, we have become one with Him (John 17:21-23). This means that we can trust our thoughts, valuation of what is right, and feelings as agreeing with His will (This is true for Christians who have grown to full maturity and are heavenly-minded). The Bible says: โ€œThe thoughts of the righteous are right: but the counsels of the wicked are deceit (Prov. 12:5).ย All Christians have been made righteous in Christ, but only a few in the old can were declared righteous. Therefore, our perception is the voice of God, when our mind is filled with the Word of God (Acts 27:10, 1Cor. 2:16)ย 


Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to grant the body of Christ the understanding of the new Covenant and help us to operate in it.

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