The One God Exalts

Call to Prayer

Title: The One God Exalts

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date: 05.05.2023


And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
Philippians 2:8 NKJV


One morning as I was in God’s presence, He asked me a question that provoked me to think about the judgment of God. He said, do you think I exalt everyone? Immediately He said that I knew in my spirit that the answer was no. Though He went on to tell me the importance of being in the right location, my heart kept pondering the truth that God will not exalt everybody.

God loves everyone, but He is still a judge. As He is a judge, He makes decisions among men. Though it is His will for everyone one of His children to receive exaltation, He will only exalt those who meet a certain requirement. As an expression of His love, He gave us the word and the gift of the Holy to help us know and meet His requirements for those He exalts, but we have to yield to Him. And that yieldedness is a function of our love for Him.

Now, what’s God looking for in us? Psalms 15 and 24 gave certain attributes of those God exalts (that ascend) to the top of the mountain. All of these qualities mentioned were expressed when Jesus Christ humbled himself and became obedient unto death (Phil. 2:2-4). This attitude of Jesus Christ was because He loved and honoured the Father.

When we serve the Father because of our love and honour of him, He exalts us. However, just as Jesus Christ descended first before He ascended, we may need to endure seasons of suffering as a result of our obedience, but as we persist, we gain exaltation.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for this word. Let’s ask Him to help us to confirm to the image of His son, so we can receive the same exaltation that He received.


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