The One with the Blessing


Title:ย The One with the Blessing

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 28.07.2021

For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning,ย that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

(Rom 15:4 KJV)

The bible is an intentionally written book whose author is the Holy Spirit. The stories in it are to reveal God to us and help us see Him in whatever situation we are in. From them, we can understand God to be a God of process; He sometimes allows good people to experience evil for a season, before bringing them to the place of promise, showing us that our standing with Him is not determined by the circumstances we may have to endure. This write-up is to inspire hope in you and the faith to keep believing until your word comes (Psalm 105:19).

Shortly after the flood, we witnessed how Noah placed blessings on some of His children (Shem and Japheth) and cursed Canaan, the child of Ham (Genesis 9:18-29). For this word of blessings and curses to be fulfilled, it took about 892 years. Between this time, we witnessed a paradox: Canaan, the one cursed, grew to become giants (Numbers 13:33), and lived in a land that the bible witnessed to be flowing with Milk and Honey (Exo. 3:17). While the descendants of Shem, who was the one with the blessing, were wanderers without a permanent home in the land of the one cursed (Hebrew 11:9), and later slaves in Egypt (Exo 12:40,41). By the natural look of things, the cursed one seemed blessed. Yeah, so blessed that what seemed to be his blessing became the promise God gave to the blessed one (Ezekiel 3:17).

Letโ€™s consider the case of Jacob and Esau. Isaac blessed Jacob while Esau received nothing positive, only with the hope that he will break free from his brotherโ€™s rule (Gen. 27,28). 20 years after that encounter with their father, Esau and Jacob met at Paddan Aram (Gen.33: 1-18). Esau, the one with no blessing, came with an army of 400. While Jacob, the one with the blessing, after serving 14 years for His two wives and had His wages changed 10 times deceptively for another 6years, had just his wives and children with him: seeking favour from Esau and bowing down to him (Gen 33:3,8). In response to Jacobโ€™s gift to Him, Esau said โ€œI already have plenty, my brother, keep what you have for yourself (Gen. 33:8-9). So much for one who received no blessing from his father.

Time would fail me to write in detail of Joseph, who had a dream of rising above his brothers and being a ruler. For thirteen years he was a slave and prisoner in Egypt until His word came (Psalm 105:19), while his brothers prospered in the land of Canaan. In all of the cases mentioned, there was a long season of waiting before what was spoken over them came to pass. In this time of waiting, they had to endure situations contrary to the promise, they bore shame and suffered persecution (Gal. 4:29), but that did not stop the promise to be fulfilled. Shemโ€™s descendants (Israel) inherited the land and the descendants of Canaan served them as slaves (Joshua 9:21), Jacob later became a mighty nation and He ruled over Esau (2 Kings 8:20โ€“22; 2 Chronicles 21:8, Obadiah 1:21), and Joseph became a ruler in Egypt and his brothers bowed to down to him as his dream predicted (Genesis 41:37-44, Genesis 42:5-7). We see, God is faithful to His promises.

With the above said, I want to encourage you that wherever you find yourself in life, do not give up on your faith; His promise in scriptures and His specific word to you will come to pass, despite the time it has taken. Being a child of Abraham, you are the one with the blessing. Just follow the examples of those who through faith and patience obtained promises (Heb. 6:8).

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to help us to stay in faith until His promises to us are fulfilled.ย 

God bless you all


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