The pathway of honour

Call To Prayer

Title: The pathway of honour

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 25.11.2021


I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works.(Psalm 145:5 KJV)


Recently, I was on my way to work and the word “honour” kept coming to my spirit and while meditating over this subject, I discovered that a lot of grace, virtue, authority, power and so much more had been lost within the body of Christ because we did not give honour to whom it was due.

God desires than men give him honour for who he is as the King of kings. When we are in the presence of earthly Kings and Queens, we bow in honour and reverence before them because they represent authority and power over their realm. This is an act of worship and it represents loyalty and submission to the throne. Honouring God in our hearts and outwardly in our action is an act of worship. When God is honoured in worship, he comes down in his glory. To let you know the value of honour, it was most paramount to Satan. He wanted more honour than God and this led him to desiring a throne higher than God’s throne which eventually led to his fall from grace. Even when he tempted Jesus, he still wanted our Lord to bow and worship him just to get honour.

Also, God is honoured by our givings. Not just any giving but the one that comes from a heart willing to honour him. Solomon gave an uncommon offering unto the Lord by sacrificing a thousand burnt offerings (2 Chr. 1:6)ย  and because the Almighty king was honoured, He did not send an angel but showed up himself. Honour arrest the attention of rulers and breaks barriers.
Likewise, we are encouraged to honour the ministers of the gospel who have laboured over us spiritually. It is an open channel of virtue and blessings to us as individuals as this allows for a flow of grace upon such minister to us.

Finally, we are commanded to honour our parents. We have to be intentional and consciously think of how to honour them. Show them how important they are in your life and that you hold them in high esteem. There are blessings in the bossom of parents that will only come out when we honour them. For those whose earthly parents have moved on to glory, our spiritual parents can be honoured instead. God was not mistaken when he made gave this as commandment with a promise attached to it “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee” (Exo. 20:12)


Prayer point:
Let’s thank God for the word today. Lets ask Him to increase His love in our hearts so we can honour him all the days of our lives.

God bless you!


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