The Power of Forgiveness

Call to Prayer

Title: The Power of Forgiveness

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 15.04.2024


in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
โ€ญโ€ญColossiansโ€ฌ โ€ญ1:14โ€ฌ โ€ญNKJVโ€ฌโ€ฌ


Love is the very foundation of our faith, for Christ’s commandment to the New Testament Church is “… Love one another, as I have loved you… (Luke 13:34)”. God expressed His love for humanity by forgiving us our transgression. So, if we are to love like Christ, forgiveness should be natural to us.
The importance of forgiveness cannot be overemphasized: Apart from it being one of the expressions of God’s nature, which is love, it is the way to victory over the enemy who is an accuser. In Paul’s writings to the Corinthians Church, he inferred that the devices of the enemy is unforgiveness (2 Cor. 2:11). So when we forgive, we are rendering the enemy powerlessness against us.
God operates a just system, where there are consequences of actions. The devil understands this, so he moves God’s people to offend one another, so that God would have no option than to judge. An example of this was seen when he moved Cain to kill Abel (Genesis 4). After this act of Cain, God had no option than to judge Cain, especially as Abels blood was crying for vengeance. When we forgive an offence, we are stopping the devil’s plan from being fulfilled, and we give the offender the opportunity of obtaining mercy.
The blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than the blood of Abel because Jesus Christ forgave those who killed him, and on this basis we are saved today. When we forgive, we become like Christ. The fact that Stephen forgave those who killed him gave space for Apostle Paul to be saved.
The very power of the cross is the power of forgiveness, for on the cross Christ took our sins and released forgiveness to us. We are redeemed because we have been forgiven (Col. 1:14). There would be no reconciliation back to God If He had not forgiven us. Be like God, forgive.

Prayer Point
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us forgive those who offend us.


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