The power of the Tongue


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 12.11.2023

Title: The power of the Tongue


Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21 NKJV)


There is a story of a man of God who wanted to test the power of words and so, he decided to plant two trees at his house. He planted both trees on a very fertile soil and took very good care of them. He watered, pruned, and applied fertilizer to both. However, what he did is that, whenever he wakes up in the morning, he speaks a word of blessing upon one tree and curses the other. He did this continuously for some time. After a while, he realized that the one which received blessings grew very well while the one which was cursed died.

This story shows us that words are powerful. There was one time that the Lord Jesus was hungry and so he walked to a fig tree which was nearby to get some Fruits to eat. However, when He reached there, the fig tree had no Fruits. He therefore cursed the fig tree and it dried and withered away in the next morning (Mark 11:14,20). Words are Spirit, and the words of the Lord are not only Spirit, but they are life (Jn 6:63).

Knowing this, letโ€™s therefore cultivate the habit of regularly speaking positive words and mostly importantly, the word of God into our lives. Your future is in the words on your tongue. Build a great future for yourself through your positive words. Your words mixed with Faith are very powerful! It can move mountains (Mark 11:23).

Even when the Situation seems impossible in the sight of men, donโ€™t look at it from the worldโ€™s view. However, look at it from the perspective of the Lord Almighty who is Powerful and can do all things (Matt 19:26). Make a positive declaration by Faith into that situation and the Lord will surely turn it around for your good (Rom 8:28). Also, instead of spending a lot of time to worry about your problems, turn all your worries into prayer (Phil 4:6-7). Pray more and have faith in the words you declare in prayer. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16-17).

Be quick to listen, slow to speak and be mindful of the words that come out of your life (Js 1:19). The words that come out of your mouth can either uplift you and uplift another person or destroy you (Prov 21:23, Matt 15:20). I know a brother who couldnโ€™t control his temper and went to insult someone whom the Lord has been using to provide for he and his family. He later cut ties with this friend of his and at the end, he suffered miserably. As a Believer, your words should always be positive and encouraging, inspiring and uplifting (Col 4:6).

Beloved in the Lord, words are Spirit and are very powerful. The words that come out of our mouth can either build and uplift us or destroy us. Letโ€™s therefore be mindful of the words we speak, and make sure we always speak the word of God by Faith in our lives. There is life and death in the words on your tongue. Choose one! I have chosen life. What about you?

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to know the Power in our words. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help us to declare His word by Faith into our lives even when the situation seems otherwise.

God bless you all


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