The Power to Hear

Call To Prayer

Title: The Power toย  Hear

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 27.07.2022

โ€œBut as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God,ย evenย to them that believe on his name:
John 1:12 KJV

Hearing the voice of God is an important part of our walk with God: As our relationship with Him is sustained by communicating with Him. As revealed in scriptures: ” Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Mattย  4:4)“, which shows that our very life is sustained by every word that comes from God. For this reason, we all with humility must learn how to hear His voice and be confident that we do.

Hearing God’s voice is an activity that involves three major parts:ย  recognising or discerning His voice to receive His words, understanding His mind behind the words, and responding to what has been revealed. Itย  is only when we have gone through the three parts it can be said that we have heard Him (hearkened), and each of these parts needs practicing to perfect.

A large section of the body of Christ are not confident in their ability to hear from Him. Many who think they do, do not really hear as they are supposed to, for they stop at recognising His voice, without understanding His mind or taking step to respond to what has been revealed. In a timeย  of prayer, I discerned His voice telling me that “it takes power to hear His voice”. As I sought Him for understanding, He reminded me of Romans 8:14, which states “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”. Since we are led by doing whatย  He says, therefore, it takes hearing the voice of God to be able to manifest as Sons of God. Again, considering John 1:12: “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name”. Comparing John 1:12 with Romans 8:14 above, the power to become the sons of God is the power is to hear and obey Him (for it is by being led by Him we manifest as Sons of God).

Now, how can those who are not confident of their ability to hear His voice gain this power to be able to? The first requirement is that you have to believe that you are His sheep (John 10, 4-5, 27-30). Believing that you are God’s sheep gives you the abilities to recognise His voice, distinguish His voice from that of the enemy, and the capacity to obey or do that which you have been told. Secondly, thanking God for that which you have heard makes His words to be multiplied to you (He will speak more to you when you thank Him for the little you’ve heard).

Finally, practicing hearing from Him builds confidence and perfects your ability to discern His voice and to understand His mind.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank Him for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help all to access this power to hear and be Sons of God that is in Him.


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