The Preacher’s Cross

Call To Prayer 

Title: The Preacher’s Cross 

By: Njuacha Hubert 

Date: 26.01.2024 


Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.  No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:26-29 NIV 


James chapter 3 starts with the sentence “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” James 3: 1. Being a preacher attracts honour and respect at times, but it is also a big cross to carry which means you should not call yourself into that ministry, attracted by the surrounding benefits, nor rush into it without being prepared (Luke 24:49). Today I would like to share a little about the Preacher’s cross. 

Without the word being taught our faith will not be built so our Preachers play an important role in the increase and growth of Christ’s body (Romans 10: 14-17). However, Preachers are under a high scrutiny from society. One may commit a sin, and no one speaks about it but if the Preacher does the same the alarm is loud and sounding! Which is rightly so because he knows better; or at least preaches so. This can sometimes choke out any compassion from believers at the fall of a Preacher. On the other hand, the preacher after preaching also needs to go back and seriously ask for the grace to live out what he preaches according to the word of God not necessarily based on his current spiritual maturity. This is what St Paul describes in the opening verse. The preacher is also battling with the help of the Spirit to overcome those temptations that you face every day. A temptation that comes to the preacher is to try to put up a good public appearance while still struggling with defeat to sin in an area of his or her life. But we ought to be sincere to ourselves about who we are serving God or ourselves. The bible says we should confess our sins to each other James 5:16. Repent from secret sin.  

In conclusion, the preacher may sometimes look as though he is preaching from heaven (as in, he does not face any temptations) but he is still on earth, choosing every day between whether to do the will of God or sin (Matthew 16:24-26). It means we need constant prayers and could do with some compassion. On the other hand, let’s be sincere about who we are serving; God or ourselves. Everyone needs humility and the greater you think you are the humbler you should be. That’s the safest place to be; on the ground.  


Prayer Point 

Let’s thank God for all Preachers around the world. Let’s pray for that God would keep them from falling and help them to get up again if they fall and continue. 


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