The presence of the Almighty

Call To Prayer

Title: The Presence of the Almighty

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 06.01.2022


He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalm 91:1 KJV)


Citizens of different countries are protected by the laws of their land against any external enemy invasion. If peradventure, there is an attack, the place mostly desired to be targeted by the enemy is usually the capital, which represents the seat of government. The capital of every nation is the most guarded place within the country and represents strength.

In our text today, we can liken the secret place to be the fortified capital, where heavy security is always present. The shadow of the Almighty connotes that He is present and dwelling in this secret place giving access to His presence. However, unlike the earthly nation, where human connections are required for access, the secret place is accessible by thanksgiving and praise(Ps 100:4). We must be joyful to be in His presence because He despises an atmosphere of sorrow (Ps 16:11)

His presence guarantees rest, it guarantees renewal, it guarantees all round protection and it guarantees provisions. Remaining in His presence requires fellowship, where hearts are engaged in communion. It is a place of unity and truth where we become more like Him as we behold. Furthermore, His presence is for dwellers and not passers-by which means that we must consciously carve out a regimented lifestyle of thanksgiving and praise. Exalting Him for who He is and thanking Him for what He has done.

David enjoyed His unlimited presence while he was alive because he was an addicted thanksgiver and also praised God endlessly. No where is more secure than His presence against all the attacks of the enemy.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s pray that He should envelope us with the Spirit of thanksgiving and praise to keep enjoying His presence.


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