The Process


Date: 25/09/2021

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ย The Process


Exodus 3:12 – He said, โ€œBut I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.โ€


In this world, anything that happens goes through a process. God created the world through a process. Humans are conceived, delivered and grow through different processes. When a child is born, he/she learns how to sit, crawl, stand and then walk. The gadgets we use are manufactured through a process of converting raw materials into finished products. Thus, everything that we see in this world has gone through one or more processes. Hence, anything that skips the due process is bound to be unsustainable. A newborn baby does not move from sitting to walking.

The Christian journey is also another special process. There are numerous examples of people who underwent one process or the other. Davidโ€™s wilderness experience and Saulโ€™s pursuit to take his life was a process, likewise Jesusโ€™ 40 days and 40 nights fasting and prayers. We can also talk about Joseph’s slavery in Egypt, the building of the Ark by Noah, John the Baptistโ€™s seclusion experience, Jobโ€™s trial, Paulโ€™s persecution of the church and his conversion, the discipleship of the Apostles, Abrahamโ€™s call, his obedience, and journey from his fatherโ€™s house, and many more.

God has a peculiar calling and assignment for every believer, and in most cases, God reveals this assignment/calling (the end product) through a prophecy or a revelation. Undoubtedly, the end is always desirable. However, one thing we normally forget is that we cannot reach the desired end unless we have gone through the process. No matter your calling, ministry or assignment, there is a process that comes with it, and that is the most crucial stage in the believerโ€™s life because the key lessons are learnt in the process.

In todayโ€™s verse, we read that when God was sending Moses to deliver the Israelite, the sign God gave him was that they will serve Him on Mount Horeb when they leave Egypt. God gave Moses the end product of the process, which was so desirable. Who would not want to worship God!?

However, what Moses did not know was that a time was coming that: he would have to stand before Pharaoh again, go back to the people who know his past and probably know him as a murderer, engage in a power contest with the magicians in Egypt, lead a people who are so quick to forget what God has done and can do, deal with constant complaints and murmuring of the people, sit down from morning till evening to judge the people, but still miss the Promised Land. Probably, if Moses knew all these, he may have thought it was too much and give up.

So, the question is, why does God often hide the process from us but reveals only the end product? The answer is, because we may not believe Him, or we may find the process too difficult and give up on the assignment. Put yourself in Abrahamโ€™s shoes; would you have left your fatherโ€™s house and embark on a journey to nowhere knowing that it will take another 25 years to see the manifestation of the promise of God? Or assume you are Joseph; would you be willing to be sold into slavery (deprivation of freedom and human rights) by your loved ones, be falsely accused of rape (in this era of social media, the news will be everywhere), put in prison for over two years, to fulfil your destiny? Or imagine you are David (letโ€™s bring it to our current context), and the most powerful president (letโ€™s say the US president) and his army are after your life, and you have to be sleeping in caves and bushes? Do you know how it feels to lose a loved one or family member? Now, put yourself in Jobโ€™s place, and imagine losing all the people you love and everything you have in just a day when you know you have not done anything wrong?

These great personalities we read about went through some extremely difficult processes. But without these processes, we would not be reading about them today. The lessons are in the process. We build character, tenacity, endurance, and perseverance in the process. Steel is heated before it can be bent. Similarly, gold shines brighter when it goes through heat. Your process may be very heated, but with God on your side, you will come out shining brighter and begin to do exploits in the kingdom of God to the glory of God. God bless you!

Prayer: Let us thank God for His word and the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the knowledge and wisdom to understand Godโ€™s process for our lives. Also, let us pray for grace and strength to endure the difficult moments that the process will bring.


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