The process of attainment in the kingdom

Call To Prayer

Title: The process of attainment in the kingdom

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 12.11.2021


That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:12 KJV)


In manufacturing, one common thing is that the finished product is always gotten after taking the raw material through a process. The duration depends on the item being worked on. So also in the spiritual, the finished product of โ€œthe perfect manโ€ can only be achieved through a process.
Three things are highlighted in our text today and the first one is work. Promises and prophecies will never come to pass when the believer is lazy. The disciples were promised the Holy Spirit by our Lord Jesus Christ but rather than sit back because the word of God never fails, they followed the instructions to labour in prayers and wait. Attaining a higher level of spiritual growth demands that we follow the process other saints have followed who have evidences of being with God.
Second in the spiritual process is faith. After we have identified the responsibility attached and committing it, we must believe God and his word for performance of that which we pursue in his kingdom. For instance, a music minister who desires to be used of God mightily will put in the work of training his or her voice and doing all that is required but it is the dependence on God that allows the ceaseless flow from above.
Finally is patience. This is the stage where strength and capacity is built into the believer so they can last when they become that finished product or attained that stature in the kingdom. It is a season of tests and trials to ascertain where our heart lies. At this period, we are forged and moulded by the master into the shape that fits his purpose and until we successfully pass this stage, we may never obtain the promise.
In our daily walk with God, we must carry along with us the consciousness that He values process when building men and women and a commitment to this will make us active beneficiaries of his diverse promises in the kingdom.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for the word today. Lets ask him for grace to put in the required work, have faith in Him and remain patient to obtain the promise.


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God bless us all


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