The Prophetic

Call To Prayer

Title: The Prophetic

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date:ย 06.01.2023


โ€œFor whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.โ€ (Romans 15:4).


Prophecies are one of the fundamental medium of revealing past, present and future mysteries through the inspiration of the divine. It is noteworthy that prophecies can be delivered by other powers outside the jurisdiction of God, meaning that, the Devil too empowers his followers to prophesy by equipping them with certain knowledge of the future in order to manipulate situations or people. As we are aware that prophecies can come from both God and the devil, it is significant we focus on the need to discern genuine prophecies that come from God. We cannot evaluate true prophecy by its accuracy or precision, but by its character, consistency and purpose. Prophecy together with other high level spiritual gifts have an essential objective, which is most times redemptive; prophecy is not done out of envy, strive, self glorification, emulation, for show off, for fun but to help men comprehend and draw them to salvation and also to the glory of God.

We are to also understand that the prophetic comprises of two major phases;ย  revelatory prophecy and office of prophetic. As sons and heirs of the Kingdom, it is important we know that we have certain access to mysteries as the Spirit leads.ย  Revelatory prophecies are situational or rather momentary revelations given to a believer by the Holy Spirit concerning an event, person(s) or body of Christ, however, it does not necessarily mean the person is a prophet. Now, office of prophetic is more of ceremonial jurisdiction by which the person is given higher access to revelations through prophecy and express discernment, it becomes like an occupation/profession. Office of prophetic is a definite calling to consistently unravel certain dimensions of mystery. In addition, the person given such authorization by God has the capacity to not only prophecy but also declare things to happen despite not given as revelation but by the virtue of the privileges that is associated with the office. Moreover, we are not to be carried away by all these, we should strive to make sure that by all means we actualize the gifts to bring them to Christ.

The prophetic is really one of the most sensitive gifts of the Holy Spirit given to sanctified vessels of God, it is powerful yet has the potential to be destructive when in the wrong persons. Because it reveals the future, many men with the gifts are liable to the spirit of fraud and manipulation which corrupt its purpose.

Prayer point:

Let’s Thank God for the message today, let’s also ask Him to guide us in all things.



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