The purpose of divine arrangements

Call To Prayer

Title: The purpose of divine arrangements

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 03.02.2022


I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. (Psalm 32:8 KJV)


Part of Godโ€™s design is that His master plan unveils in phases, which means that the full picture does not appear at once but comes in form of puzzle pieces, connecting one to another and one step after another before the full image is revealed. Long before He formed man, He created everything else in the garden knowing fully well from the beginning that man will be in charge to keep it and dress it. God also knew that the fruits will sustain him for food and the trees will give him shade.

In the same vane, God plants people our way to usher us into different seasons and to guide us into our ordination in Christ. God had planted John the baptist in the wilderness long before Jesus was revealed and John had been crying โ€œprepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straightโ€ (Mark 1:3) for a long time until the day Jesus came walking down to river Jordan to be baptised and God opened the heavens and made the great announcement about His beloved Son.

Similarly, Saul had no idea he was walking into kingship over Israel when he left with his servant to look for his fatherโ€™s missing asses. God had arranged it that the asses will get lost and while looking for it, the servant will suggest that they enquire the whereabouts from a man of God in the city, therefore ushering Saul into his ordination as the King over Israel (1 Sam. 9:3-17). There is no coincidence in God, only divine arrangements.

We therefore need to be spiritually sensitive to know who God has sent our way because, in our daily walk with Him, He has planted different individuals on our path to expedite His agenda or fast track His purpose and assignment. For instance, God gave Aaron to Moses to help him in ministry and for many of us, the reason God is giving us that man or woman to marry is to preserve a Godly generation and raise Godly seeds who will proclaim His name in the coming generations.

Finally, God leads us to be taught His ways by appointing tutors over us giving us the right perspective of the truth from His word. Discernment is therefore key in connecting with these God ordained individuals so as to fulfil the divine purpose for our lives.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank Him for His word today and for answers to our prayers. Letโ€™s pray that God will endow us with the Spirit of discernment to adequately make use of His divine arrangements for us.

God bless you!


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