The Reason for the Wait


Title:ย The Reason for the Wait

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 30.07.2021

Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of thoseย who wait for him.ย Isaiah 64:4 (NIV)

However, as it is written: โ€œWhat no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceivedโ€ โ€” the things God has preparedย for those who love himโ€”ย 1Cor. 2:9 (NIV)

Our God is a God that answers prayers and fulfils promises. I have experienced situations where before I finished praying He grants my requests, and they have been times I didnโ€™t have to wait for long to see some of His promises fulfilled in my life. However, there are times when Godโ€™s promises take a while to be fulfilled, and the request to our prayers may take long for it to manifests. To know why sometimes God makes us wait, letโ€™s see it through stories written in scriptures.ย 

Even before the fall of man, God had planned a means by which humans will be restored/ reconciled back to himself (1 Pe.1:19, 20, Rev. 13:8), which is faith in Him. However, before the consummation of things at the cross of Calvary, He took time to reveal the aspect of him we have to use our faith to believe in, so we can receive the salvation He brought. This revelation came through His relationship with certain people in scriptures, among whom was Abraham. Abraham was one God promised that He will be a father of many nations (Gen.17:4), though He was childless. At the age of 75, God promised Abraham a child. He believed the promise and it was counted to Him for righteousness (Gen.15:6). However, God waited for 25 years before fulfilling his promise to Abraham and His wife. Why was this so? Paul, recounting Abrahamโ€™s experience in Romans 4:19, revealed that Abrahamโ€™s body was as good as deadย before the promise was fulfilled.

In the same vein, Lazarus was declared to be a man loved by Jesus (John 11:3). When He was sick and Jesus was informed, Jesus waitedย until he was deadย for 4 days before showing up (John 11:17). For both Abraham and Lazarus, one thing was common, and it wasย death.ย For Abraham and Sarah, it was the death of the natural ability to give birth to children, and for Lazarus, it was a literal death. We see, God sometimes wait for the situation to look dead (humanly impossible for the expectation to be fulfilled) before He acts. He does this to give us the revelation, which will impart faith in us to believe, that He is the God that raises the dead. This is His glory (John 11:40), and the faith that He can raise the dead is the saving faith (Heb. 11:1-3).

Beyond the scriptures, God is still writing such stories with our lives, for weโ€™ve been declared living epistles read by men (2 Cor. 3:2-3). Like Abraham and Lazarus, God may sometimes wait for the situation to look dead before He fulfils His promises to us, or grants our hearts desires. He does this so that His glory will be revealed through us, as one who raises the dead. This will be a source of faith in God, not just to us, also to those who observed our situation and those we are sent to, even as we share our testimonies (1Cor. 1:4).

I will end with a testimony. Some months ago, I asked God why certain of His promises to me have not been fulfilled despite my service for His kingdom and the hardness I have had to endure. He responded with these words: โ€œIt is because I have chosen you to manifest my gloryโ€.ย The waiting season may be long and painful, but I encourage you today to keep believing, for what He said to you will surely come to pass. As our scriptural verses of today indicated, those who wait for Him are those who love Him.

Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s also ask Him to give us the grace to wait on Him till the very end, despite how dead the situation we are trusting Him to change looks.

God bless you all


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