The Redemption of the Soul

Call to Prayer

Title: The Redemption of the Soul.

Date: 13.02.2022

By: Daniel Peter


For as he thinketh in his heart, so is heย ย Proverbs 23:7 KJV


The personality of a man is a description of the state of his soul, for as a man thinketh in his heart so is he (Prov. 23:7). For us to reflect every one of our God-given qualities, our souls need to be in a healthy place. Due to its importance, knowing what the redemption of the Soul entails is a profiting endeavour.

God created the physical realm to be a replica of heaven. Adam, the first man, had the task of replicating heaven on earth, and he was to do this by knowing and doing the will of the Father here on earth. Having volition (the ability to make decisions himself), meant man can either do the will of God or reject it. The volition of a man is related to His will, which alongside the mind and emotion is situated in the soul of a man. This means that, whoever has control of the soul of a man, controls his will (for the will of a man can be influenced by the thoughts in the mind and the feelings of his emotions). Sadly, when Adam yielded to the devil by sinning against God, his soul was captured, and his volition seized. Instead of the kingdom of heaven on earth, mankind replicated the kingdom of darkness on earth by doing the will of the devil.

The redemption of the soul begins the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour. In that instant, our human spirit is infused with life and the power of God. Our empowered human spirit can now exert its influence on the soul, ensuring that the decisions made are in line with the will of God. However, even after salvation, our minds may still have certain thoughts and ideas that contradict the word of God, and we may still feel emotions that should still be tamed. But as we renew our minds with the word of God, then we are able to prove which thought, idea or emotion should be allowed. Accepting that which is good and rejecting the evil (Rom. 12: 1-2, James 1:21).

Every thought is inspired by a spirit: Good thoughts are inspired by the Spirit of God while evil thoughts are inspired by evil spirits (Phil. 4:8, 2Cor.10:5). These evil spirits can sometimes reside in the mind or are outside the man yet are able to project thoughts in his mind. By using the name of Jesus, we can cast out these spirits and stop their influence on us.

The redemption of the soul is a continuous process, which will be completed when Jesus takes us out of this world. So, persistence in the practice of what I shared above (meditation and prayer) is therefore encouraged.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to help us to renew our minds by the word.




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