Call to prayerย 

Title: The results of the hour

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 22/02/2022


Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
JOHN 12:31


The results of the hour are put very plainly by Jesus in John 12:31. What an hour this is! Do you not begin to see that it is the most momentous hour of all time? We talk about the pivotal points of history, but they are all nothing when you look at this. โ€œNow is the judgment of this worldโ€ the whole world, in the sense that it is the hour in which the world was really revealed for what it is. It was there that sin was revealed. There, shown plainly and clearly once and forever, is the whole state of mankind apart from God.

The cross does not only reveal sin for what it is, at one and the same time it pronounces doom on the whole world and everything that belongs to that realm. The cross of Jesus Christ makes this great proclamation. Unless I believe in Him, unless I believe that His death at that hour is the only thing that reconciles me to God, I remain under the wrath of God. If I do not see that the wrath of God against my sin has been borne there by the Son of God, then the alternative is that I must experience the wrath of God. That is the essence of the Christian Gospel. I either believe that my sins have been punished in the body of the Son of God, or else they will be punished in me. It is the judgment of the world.

The world apart from Him is under the wrath of God, it is doomed, it is damned, and He alone can save it in that way. There was no other way, for God would never have allowed His Son to endure all that if there had been another way. It is the only way; so it is the judgment of the world.


A thought to ponderย 

This hour is the most momentous hour of all time.


Prayer pointย 

Letโ€™s pray for the grace to enjoy our birthright through the finished works of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

God bless us allย 


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