The Scriptures are for our Learning


For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

– Romans 15:4 KJV

All scripture (both New and Old Testament) is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, and also for our learning (2 Timothy 3:16, Romans 15:4). Though God is the same yesterday, today and forever, the way we approach and worship Him has changed after the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. We have to therefore know how and when to apply the scriptures, especially the Old Testament to our lives as New Testament Believers. As we have already learnt, we are supposed to live by the word of God (spoken, written,) but my focus today is on the written word of God.

There are many great men and women of God in the Bible we can learn from. However, letโ€™s not forget that these people were human, and some had weaknesses which caused them to make bad decisions and also did what was wrong in the sight of God. So, in as much as we are supposed to learn from them, letโ€™s learn and practice what they did to please God and also learn from their mistakes by avoiding them in our Christian lives.

However, what do we see nowadays? Some Believers learn both the good and bad things from the past men and women of God and quote them to justify their actions when they do something wrong. You will see many believers who practice polygamy quote Abraham, Jacob, David and Solomon as basis for their actions. Apostle Paul advised us to follow him in as much as he follows Christ.

In Luke 9:54-56, when the Samaritans didnโ€™t welcome our Lord Jesus, the disciples James and John (Sons of Zebedee) wanted to command fire from Heaven to consume them as Elijah did in (2 Kings 1:10, 1:12) but Jesus rebuked them. Our Lord Jesus then went further to let them know that they are living in a different dispensation whereby God has sent His only begotten Son to save lives (all who believe in Him) and not to destroy lives. The truth is that, we canโ€™t just take any scripture and apply it to any situation.

As New Testament Christians, we also have to know how to apply the Old Testament scriptures to our current dispensation. For example, King David, a great man of God, spent a lot of time praying for the death of his human-enemies. Because of this, you will see modern-day Christians doing same and thinking that flesh and blood (mother, father, boss, neighbor, colleague) are their enemies. However, it is written in the New Testament that flesh and blood are not our enemies but rather principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).

How can we then rightly apply the Scriptures? Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ didnโ€™t leave us alone but promised and fulfilled by giving us the Holy Spirit (Spirit of truth) whom He said, will lead us into all truth (John 16:13). When we become sensitive and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, He gives us understanding and also helps us to know which scriptures to apply at every moment.

Beloved in the Lord, the scriptures (both New and old testament) were inspired by the Holy Spirit and written for our learning. However, we need the Wisdom of God, deeper Understanding, Revelation Knowledge and the help of the Holy spirit to rightly apply the scriptures to specific situations in our lives.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for the answers to the prayers we have already received. Letโ€™s pray for the Wisdom of God, Understanding, Revelation Knowledge and the help of the Holy spirit so we can rightly apply the scriptures.


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