The significance of Easter

ย โ€œHe himself bore our sinsโ€ in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; โ€œby his wounds, you have been healed.โ€ 25 For โ€œyou were like sheep going astray,โ€ but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls (1st Peter 2:24-25 NIV).

Easter is often a season that we Christians take for granted. We eat and drink, which is good, but in most cases, we forget the actual significance of the occasion. The death of Jesus Christ has brought us numerous benefits. On the cross, Jesus paid the final price for our perpetual redemption.

During this occasion, we convene to remember how we were transitioned from death to life, from nobodies to somebodies in God. For todayโ€™s call to prayer, I will focus on just the two verses above to highlight some of the innumerable benefits of the death of Jesus Christ.

First, the death of Jesus Christ has delivered us from sin and through that, we can live a righteous life (1st Peter 2:24). Some Christians find themselves living in continuous sins, a barrier that has hindered their spiritual growth and maturity. Ignorance of what this memorable occasion embodies is the foundation of this problem. As Christians, no sin has power over us because the price to live above sin has been paid already, and for that reason, we have everything we need to live a life devoid of sin. 2nd Peter 1:3 says, โ€œHis divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his glory and goodnessโ€. Do not succumb to thoughts of inferiority and powerlessness because of a weakness that makes you sin. They are flaming darts, quench them by faith, and persevere through prayers and fasting to live above those sins. Declare in the name of Jesus that you are no more under the power of sin and rebuke any contradictory thoughts. You have power in you to live a righteous life to the glory of God. Take advantage of this Easter and remind yourself of the power you have sin.

ย Also, we do not follow the path of the world anymore (1st Peter 2:25). Apostle Peter makes us understand that we were going astray like sheep without a shepherd. Thus we were following the path of a sinful world, and there was the need to bring us on track.ย  The death of Jesus Christ has brought us back on track. We have been adopted into the family of God, and we have a good relationship with God. As believers, we are blameless in Godโ€™s sight. We do not live for the pleasures of the world anymore, but we live according to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Let this Easter remind you and bring you back on track if you find yourself going astray as a Christian.

The death of Jesus has brought us healing.ย  By His stripes, we are healed (1st Peter 2:24). Christ did not only die for our sins, he also died for our health. The price for afflictions, tumours, sicknesses, diseases has all been paid for. Maybe you slumbered, and the enemy has capitalised on it and afflicted you with a disease that you have struggled in vain to cure physically. This is your opportunity! Speak healing into your life through the blood and the stripes of Jesus. You have the power to do it. Exercise your faith now!

Prayer: Let us pray and thank God for His word today. Let us also pray that the Holy Spirit will grant the body of Christ understanding of the significance of the death of Jesus Christ.


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