The significance of Pentecost

Call to prayer

Title: The significance of Pentecost

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 18/05/2021

Would God that all the LORDโ€™s people were prophets, and that the LORD would put his spirit upon them!

The great purpose of Pentecost is to give the final proof of the fact that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and the Savior of the world. That is declared. The second thing is the great inauguration of the Church as His Body; and third, it is a proof of the fact that the various people who are added to the Church are members of the Body.

Also, in the Old Testament we are told that the Holy Spirit was with men or that He came upon them. He worked upon them from without, as it were, and what David even said, you remember, was, โ€œTake not thy holy spirit from meโ€ (Psalm 51:11), as if the Holy Spirit was with him that is the Old Testament terminology. The New Testament terminology is in, within; He works from within, and He abides. In the Old Testament He came upon men and left them.

He comes, in the New Testament, because we are members of the Body of Christ and because the Spirit comes from Christ through the whole Body. Because we are members of the Body, the Spirit abides in us perfectly; and that, it seems to me, is the essence of the teaching with regard to this matter.

On the Day of Pentecost the rushing mighty wind and the cloven tongues as of fire especially emphasized, not the filling with the Spirit, but the baptizing into the unity of the Body, the inauguration of the Church. That is why you have the special phenomena. The cloven tongues of fire were never repeated. The walls were shaken on another occasion, but this particular sound, this noise, the gathering together of the special phenomena places a uniqueness upon the event of the Day of Pentecost that has never been repeated. The filling with the Spirit is something that can be, and often is, repeated, but that is not the vital thing that happened at Pentecost. What is emphasized at Pentecost is that the Church became Christโ€™s Body, and the Spirit was given to fill the Body.

A thought to ponder

Pentecost inaugurated the Church as Christโ€™s Body.


Prayer point

Letโ€™s all pray that the church may be ONE and that the Holy Ghost will have His way as Christ builds His church.

God bless us all


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