The simple ways

Call to Prayer

Title: The simple ways

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 04/06/2022


ย And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, โ€œGo and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean.โ€ 11 But Naaman became furious, and went away and said, โ€œIndeed, I said to myself, โ€˜He will surely come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place, and heal the leprosy. 2nd Kings 5:10-11 – 10


Humans are made to embrace complexity. The simple things do not always appeal to us. Complex cars cost more. Look at the various gadgets we use, the more complex they get, the higher their price, and the higher the price the greater the product’s appeal to humans. Ordinarily, anything simple does not appeal and sound good to the ears of humans.

It is no surprise that in our generation people are quick to troop into churches and auditoriums where complex miracles occur. With that said, however, God does not always do things in a complex way. Sometimes He uses the simple ways to beat the imaginations of the complex mind. This was what happened in the story of Naaman. Naaman was a commander of the army of Syria. He was a great man during his time. Despite his status and successes, he had leprosy (2nd Kings 5:2). A servant girl hence recommended prophet Elisha to him and he decided to visit the prophet for healing.

When he got to Elisha, the prophet, he sent a messenger to him with a simple instruction to go and wash himself in the Jordan seven times. Naaman became enraged according to our verse for the day because that process sounded too simple to be a cure for leprosy. However, later when he obeyed the direction from God and did what the prophet said, he got healed.

Sometimes, God gives answers to the complex problems we face in a simple way. It can be a song, a message on social media, a word from a friend or even through a conversation with an unbeliever. Sounds too simple isn’t it? But beloved, our God is not a God of confusion. He knows us better than we know ourselves and would want us to experience Him in the ways we can easily understand.

The premise of today’s message is that God answers us usually in the simple ways. Do not downplay the channel or the source of the answer. It does not always have to be fire from heaven to consume the gods of Baal or parting of the Red Sea. It can also be, your faith has made you well, get up and walk, or go wash yourself in the Jordan seven times. Be open and alert to the answers because God is still speaking in the simplest ways we can imagine. Be blessed!


Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for a sober mind and receptive heart to see and embrace the simple ways God speaks to us.


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