The Strategy for Conquest

Call To Prayer

Title:ย The Strategy for Conquest

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 21.09.2022


And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.โ€

Luke 19:13 KJV


Last week, I started a series where I set out to give an understanding of what Jesus Christ meant by the statement โ€œOccupy Till I Comeโ€. I made mentioned that the word Occupy in our scriptural verse of today is the same word “Possess” used in the Old Testament when the Lord was asking the Children of Israel to go take the land of the Canaanites from them by warfare (Deu. 1:8). Furthermore, I mentioned that there are different stages in the process of occupation: having a revelation of that which you have been given, engaging in warfare to stop the enemyโ€™s resistance, and occupying that which you have been given by engaging with it or trading with it.

That which the Lord has given and wants us to occupy is all He has given to us in Christ. This includes all spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3), The Gifts and Ministries we have received from Him, the nations etc. Some of these are expressly stated in the word, while we get to know others by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Now, despite these things have been freely given to us, the enemy is always in denial and may stand to oppose us. Therefore, we must engage the enemy in warfare so we can inherit that which we have been given. The same was true for the children of Israel. After the Lord had given the land of Canaan to them by promise, they needed to defeat the inhabitants of the land in warfare before they could occupy it. However, unlike them, our warfare is not against men and women, but against principalities and powers.

For every warfare, there is a strategy for victory. The strategy for victory modelled to us by our Lord Jesus is love and surrender. All through His life on earth, He lived in total surrender to the will of God the Father. But this heart posture of His was best seen just before He went to the cross as captured in Matthew. 26:36-46. Now, despite He had a will other than that of the Father, He subjected (surrendered) His will for the Fatherโ€™s will, by the prayer “let your will be done”. In so doing, He received the strength to endure the cross, which led to His victory over the enemy. This is the footstep (example) we have been called to follow (Eph. 5:1). The love of God is expressed by obeying Him (John 14:15). We gain victory over the enemy each time we choose to obey God despite what we feel and the prevailing circumstances.

The devilโ€™s device is to cause us to go against the will of God by sinning in the form of fear and unbelief etc. in the path of our obedience to Him. Each time we choose to do what He says and be faithful in that He has entrusted to us, we are living out the victory He has already given to us in Christ, and we are declaring, by our actions, our love for Him. This is how we occupy till He comes.

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to help the body of Christ live in total surrender to His will in the love of Him.


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