The strategy of intercession

Call To Prayer

Title: The strategy of intercession

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 30.12.2021


And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: [32] But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.( Luke 22:31-32 KJV)


In Civil engineering parlance, there is what is referred to as underpinning. This is when extra support is provided below ground level to support a structure that is liable to fail or whose foundation is failing already due to subsidence. It is remedial in nature and saves the structure from failure. The builders probably didnโ€™t factor in this problem at the time of planning and designing such project but when structural failure becomes imminent, something had to be done to salvage it.

When God created the heavens and the earth, He saw that it was very good (Gen. 1:31). God made man, loaded him with so many divine abilities and he put man in charge of the garden but the adversary, the old serpent who had lost his place in heaven was bent on weakening this foundation that God laid upon earth to establish His kingdom and dominion through man. In His unphantomable wisdom, God had to introduce the ministry of intercession through the prophets and then institutionalised it through Jesus Christ.

Jesus demonstrated the ministry of intercession by praying for Peter that his faith will not fail when confronted by the wiles of the devil. He then went further to charge him to intercede for the brethren after he has been strengthened because the Lord knew they will need it for the coming persecution of the saints. Apostle Paul carried on with this assignment all through his ministry and raised many intercessors with him like Epaphras (Col.4:12) who were constantly strengthening the brethren in prayers.

Jesus has called us as believers into the ministry of intercession to help underpin any part of the body that may want to fail. Intercession as a spiritual tool can be used amongst many things to rescue lost souls into the kingdom, strengthen fellow believers going through trials, turmoil, persecutions and uncertainty. It can also be for the healing of the nations and for the fulfilment of prophecies and the will of God to come to pass, to uphold marriages, to heal the sick, to recover and restore glorious destinies and the list goes on. Strengthening the brethren through prayers is a divine strategy to keep the body whole without spot nor wrinkle.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for the word today. Lets ask Him to give us the grace to continually intercede for others, our nations, and for lost souls to be gathered unto Him.

God bless you!


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