The Sure Help of God


Title: The Sure Help of God

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 21.04.2022


For the Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. (Isaiah 50:7 KJV)


As children growing up in our respective homes, we had rights and entitlements just because we are part of the family. At new birth, we became part of the Royal family of the King of kings, so we have entitlements in this new family we have been adopted into as children of the Almighty.

One of what redemption brought us into amongst many other things is the economy of the help of God. This provision of help is accessible in prayers. In Acts 12:3โ€“19, we see how prayers were made to God without ceasing for apostle Peter and the miracle of the mighty rescue that followed. It was so unbelievable that even Peter thought he was having a vision until he was able to come to himself. As long as we donโ€™t live in ignorance of this redemptive right, the devil will not be able to bring shame to us in any form.

A son is full of assurance of the love of his father that will never fail. David was in the Spirit and spoke expressly about Christโ€™s assurance of the Father (Acts 2:25-27), where he was speaking with utmost confidence because of the presence of God he carries and he was too sure God will raise him up and not leave his soul in hell nor allow him to see corruption.

A child expecting his fatherโ€™s help doesnโ€™t display his own strength but expresses his vulnerabilities to the one that will help him with the confidence and assurance that his weakness shall be replaced with the strength of his father in prayers. You might be going through process or trial but there is utmost surety God canโ€™t wait to bring you out with glory. No matter the magnitude of help you are looking up to Him for, make sure you are not quiet or having wishful thinking, rather, ask Him in prayers and it shall be given (Matt. 7:7).


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word. Letโ€™s pray for His help that never fails to locate us in every area that we need and letโ€™s also pray for those going through trials or process, that God will release grace to coke out victorious.

God bless you all!


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