The Sword of the Spirit

Call to Prayer

Title: The Sword of the Spirit

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 06:03:2024


Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17 NIV


Our salvation is not just a call to fellowship, it is a call to warfare. When Apostle Paul said “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers… (Eph. 6:12 NIV)”, it was indicative of this truth. Despite the reality that we are in warfare, many Christians are not equipped for battle.

We were translated into Christ from the kingdom of darkness when we placed our faith in Jesus Christ (Col 1:13). This means, we are in Him because we believe. The devil knowing this, tries all he can to make us lose our faith in Him. Therefore, the nature of the warfare we are engaged in is called “the fight of faith“. The devil tries to attack our faith by sponsoring contradictions to that which we believe. For example, the word has declared that by His stripes we were healed (2 Peter 2:24). Yet, the devil may cause one to be sick in his or her body, in an attempt to make us doubt the healing that we have received in the spirit. Apart from our health, the enemy may orchestrate things to make us doubt the character of God (His goodness or faithfulness).

For us to stand in the battle, the Lord made provision for us which Apostle Paul called “The whole Armour of God (Eph. 6:12)”. Among the things listed as part of the whole armour of God is “The sword of the spirit, which is the word (Eph. 6:17)”, which was the only offensive tool given to us. The importance of this tool is that when we apply it, the enemy flees when we persist. For example, when the devil tempted Jesus Christ, all the Lord did was speak the word, and after his third try, the devil had no option but to flee (Luke 4:13). So, when the devil comes with his contractions, we declare what the word says in His word, despite what we may feel in our body or what we may be experiencing.

Sometimes we may not know the word to declare, but the Holy Spirit helps us to say the right words when we speak in tongues. As we do this without ceasing, our victory over the enemy will be made manifest.

Prayer Point.

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us wield the sword of the spirit He has given to us.


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