The Tent Revival 

Call to Prayer

Title: The Tent Revival

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 31.12.2022


And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. Exodus 25:8-9 (KJV)


Recently, the Lord revealed to me through a dream, the nature of the coming revival. In this dream of many parts, I saw the Angel of the Lord. He took the image of a mixed-race individual that was very tall. He led us into a church structure, built in the form of a tent. Though different in this dream, the Church seemed similar to a Church I once attended in Germany.

As He walked us through the Church, I noticed the Church was organised to accommodate people of different nations, bringing to life what was written in Galatians 3:28, which was the reason the Angel of the Lord took the form of a mixed-race individual (Neither white nor black). Now, A tent is a movable shelter that is used for temporary stay in a location. This, in relation to the presence of God, was constructed in the wilderness to accommodate the Ark of the Covenant. This structure was also referred to as the Tabernacle. Due to the nature of their movement in the wilderness, the Tabernacle had to be carried, with the people stopping at some point to sacrifice (worship).

The Tabernacle (or the tent of meeting) was a movable house of God because the ark of the covenant was in it; built in the form of three compartments: the outer court, the Holy place, and the holiest place. From all indications, the Tabernacle was symbolic of the human vessel, which is the house/temple of God (1Cor. 3:16). Like the Tabernacle, the Human Vessel has three compartments: The Spirit, Soul, and Body (1Thes. 5:2). Therefore, the message the worship of at the Terbanacle foretold was “moment by moment intimacy”.

Moment by moment intimacy is a form of intimacy that is done as we go about our daily activities. Like the Israelites in the wilderness, who stopped at certain times to worship, we take time to worship and commune with God who is within us. This communion can be done in our hearts, by constantly acknowledging Him, thanking Him, and asking Him questions. Again, this can also be constantly praying in tongues underneath our breath as we do other things. While in this posture, we are sensitive to hear His voice.

Living in this manner will produce a generation of Christians, who will be empowered to love like God; would be able to see through the divides in society, to the reality that we are all putting on Christ (Gal. 3:28)

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s ask Him for Grace to be in constant communion with Him.



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