The Time the “Waiting” Ends


Title: The Time the “Waiting” Ends

By:  Daniel Peter

Date: 11.08.2021

For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

Proverbs 23:18 (KJV)

Several words were translated as knowledge in the bible, and each reflects the ways or means by which it is obtained. Among them, the Greek word “Ginosko” portrays a kind of knowledge that involves a relationship between the one being known and the one knowing. In the Hebrew language, this kind of knowledge is referred to as “Yāḏa”. This was the word translated as “Knew” when the bible said: “And Adam knew Eve His wife and she conceived”. We can see that this knowledge suggests intimacy.

Immediately Adam was formed, He was placed in the Garden (Gen. 2:15), which represented a place of comfort, where all his needs were met. Adam had no prior knowledge of God, though he demonstrated prophetic insight seen by His accurate naming of the animals (Gen. 2:19) and his recognition of Eve as his wife the first time he saw her (Gen. 2:23). This lack of intimate knowledge of God made him yield to the voice of his wife and he sinned against God and attracted His judgment. Now, it’s good we notice how quickly Adam fell from his blessings. Though this wasn’t God’s will, it was inevitable because Adam did not (intimately) know God.

Adam wasn’t the first to have fallen from the place of blessing/comfort after creation. Lucifer and the Angels aligned with him also experienced the same faith as Adam (Isaiah 14:12-14). To solve this problem once and for all, God decided to reveal Himself to humans and Angels alike by His relationship with certain individuals in scriptures by taking them through a route or path before bringing them into His promise for them. That is, He authored a faith system by which we can know and understand Him (Heb 12:2).

Before I explain further this system, let me help us noticed that Adam wasn’t promised the Garden (the place for the manifestation of his blessings), He was placed there immediately after His creation. It’s safe to say that Adam did not operate by faith. However, by His calling of Abraham, God started to reveal to His creation His faith system of bringing man into the manifestation (in the physical realm) of a blessing. He promised Abraham a child, Abraham had to live by faith for 25 years before he saw the promise fulfilled. For us in the New Testament, we are to look at Abraham our father (Isaiah 51:2). As with Abraham, there may be a period before the manifestation of certain promises of scriptures and specific prophetic words to you. This time of waiting becomes a time for gaining that intimate knowledge of God that would keep you standing the time the blessing manifests, unlike Adam and Lucifer.

The knowledge God wants us to have of Him is that He is true (faithful), and He is to be trusted beyond our reasoning, circumstances, and opinion of people. And there is no better time to reveal that to us than when the situation looks impossible in the natural (a dead situation). Therefore, the death of the flesh (our human ability to get our desire) marks the end of the time of waiting, for that’s when God fulfills His promises to us. By so doing, He forms us an unshakable confidence/trust in Him which will cause us to be obedient in all things. Again, this will help us see Him as our source and give Him all the glory.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to help us to wait till the very end, being fully assured that He is faithful to His promises.

God bless you all

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