The truth

Call to Prayer

Title: The truth

By: Simon Nuhu Maina



Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding” (Proverbs 23:23).


In our world, there are different concepts, philosophies, traditions, ideologies and customs that give people sense of false truth.ย  For instance, philosophy teaches that morality and ethics are the true way of live. Now that is acceptable by a natural man as the truth as far as the cosmos is concern. In fact, it sees truth as the ability to not tell a lie.ย  Also, a traditionalist would view the truth in the perspective of the precept of his culture; such as way of salutation, respecting the elders, worshiping deities of his forefathers. The atheist believes that the non-existence of God is the truth. By close observation of earthly platforms programmed by men, we can clearly deduce that truth is relative; meaning that it is defined by several standards set by people.

There is a truth that is unarguably superior and does not depend on the validation, approval or endorsement of men, however, it is essential for them. This truth does not only profit our peaceful coexistence, but also cures our human limitations. Having this truth makes a man free indeed because it is engrafted with pure wisdom, great understanding, profound knowledge and beneficial instruction for direction. The truth is a valuable commodity which can be bought, however, it is not transactional with literal currency. One could then ask how can I buy this currency? well, buying it involves an effort. Just like the so many needs of life, there must be a demand in order to fulfill the needs. The currency that buys the truth is genuine desire. If one doesn’t desire the real truth, it never comes!

The real truth is Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Jesus Christ as the truth shows a sincere believer the way of eternal life. Through Him being the truth (word of God), we have access to great promises, victory, Kingdom wealth, wisdom and all round power to live a fulfilled life according to the will of God. The Bible counsels every truth-seeking person to buy the truth, and most importantly not to sell it. Selling the truth is worse than someone who never had the truth. One can sell the truth through backsliding (Hebrews 6:4-8), and the consequences are far terrible (2 peter 2:20-22, Hebrews 10:26-31).

Dearly beloved, buying the truth is crucial, but keeping it is most essential. As we journey in this life there may be some challenges, trials and persecutions that would subject us to trade the truth. We should not compromise and God’s grace will continue to keep us.

Prayer point

Let’s thank God for the message and also ask Him to help us hold firmly the real truth we have until the end.


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