The Truth Will Set You Free


BY: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Date: 30.08.2021

Title: The Truth Will Set You Free


Jesus said to the people who believed in him, โ€œYou are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.โ€ย 

(John 8:31-32 NLT)


Our Lord Jesus Christ told us that in last days deception will greatly increase. One may ask, what is deception? Deception is believing in a lie or believing in something which is not true but becomes true to you. How sad it is to believe all your life that Jesus doesnโ€™t exist and then die only to find out that Jesus truly exists. Thatโ€™s why the Bible tells us to be careful because the devil is a liar. The Bible continues to explain to us that the devil hates the truth because there is no truth found in him and he is the father of all lies. The devil consistently does everything possibleย  to keep you away from the truth (John 8:44). Thatโ€™s why he acquires for himself agents who will deceive and keep you always from the truth. These agents could be some fake prophets, teachers or any other family member of yours (Mathew 24).

On the other hand, our Lord Jesus is the exact opposite of what we know about the devil. Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life (John 14:6). Our Lord Jesus teaches us that, anyone that believes in Him will be set free from all bondages of deception (John 8:36 ). Jesus is the light of this world and anyone who decides to walk with him will receive the light that leads to life and not deception (John 8:12).ย 

What is the truth? The truth is Jesus Christ, the truth is the Good News, the truth is the salvation you will receive through Christ Jesus. Most people sometimes ask me this question: โ€œWhat will you do when you die and find out that Jesus never existed?โ€œ My answer is always: โ€œThen I will be glad that I lived a fulfilled life, a life of peace and so much joy.โ€œ And afterwards I also ask them this question: โ€œWhat will you do, after you die and find out that Jesus exists all this time? What will be your end?โ€œ Guess what, I donโ€™t get any answer after that because fear grips them. How sad it is to see how Philosophers still believe that we are descendants of Apes. If we truly came out of Apes, why arenโ€™t those Apes developed till now? What happened to their race? Thatโ€™s why the Bible calls the wisdom of this world foolishness (1 Corinthians 3:19).ย 

The simplicity of God and the Gospel has become complicated to the world because it seems too easy to believe. The word of God is so practical and applicable to our everyday life that we actually donโ€™t need to think for ourselves because all the answers are written in it. There is so much deception in this world that some donโ€™t even make sense, but yet many rather want to rely on it. You see no matter what we do, we will never find peace unless we find the truth.

The children of God have become slaves to this world, because they constantly fall into deceptions and anyone who has fallen into deception has falling into sin. Thatโ€™s the reason why our Lord Jesus came to teach us the way, so that we will be set free from the deceptions of this world (John 10:10). God gave us His Word which is the Good News so that we may never again be deceived but till now so many Christians find it hard to open the Bible to read. They find it much easier to use their phones 24/7 opening all the available social media platforms, and feeding their Spirits with more deceptions of this world.ย 

Instead of the followers of Christ to come together and help the lost souls to get saved, they get distracted by many unfruitful things of this world. As Christians, we should always be alert so that we do not also fall into the sins of this world (Romans12:2).ย 

Beloved in the Lord, the devil is always roaring like a lion and seeking to steal, destroy and kill us but the lord has given us the truth which His word (1 Peter 5:8). Let us therefore cling to the Word of God so that we may stay strong in Him all through our journey on earth.

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word and the answer to our prayers. Letโ€™s ask God to help all believers not to be deceived by this world. Letโ€™s also ask Him to always remind us of His truthful word.ย 

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