The Unanswered Prayer

Call to Prayer

Title: The Unanswered Prayer

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 18.02.2023


But the man from whom the demons were gone out prayed him that he might be with him: but he sent him away, saying, return to thy house ….

Luke 8:38 – 39 ASV


In our relationship with God, sometimes we may want Him to act in certain ways towards us, especially based on our judgement of what is good. But God sees beyond what we are asking, and knows the greater good that will be if He says no to our request. In such situations, many are perplexed, but we are espected to trust and believe He knows what’s best for us.

One of such situations became when Jesus healed the man possessed by the legion of demons. In the encounter that was recorded in Luke Chapter 8, we see the demons prayed to Jesus for Him not to send them to the abyss, but they should be sent to the pigs ( Luke 8:31-33), and Jesus Christ granted the request of the demons. Apart from the demons, the inhabitants of the land also made a request to Jesus. They asked him to leave their region because they were overcome with great fear (Luke 8:37). Jesus Christ left the region at the request of the people. However, there was one request Jesus didn’t answer, which was from the man healed. He asked Jesus if he could follow Him, and Jesus Christ said no to him, that he should return testify of God’s goodness (Luke 8:38-39).

Looking at it at face value, you may ask, why did Jesus Christ answer the prayers of demons, and yielded to the request of people asking Him to abandon His evangelistic mission, but refuse to answer one that requested to follow Him? Apart from the fact that his testimony brought many to Christ after he published it (Luke 8:39), it’s good for us to know that the challenge this man was healed from was a prophecy by Jacob to Gad (Gadarene was the place the descendants of Gas lived). In that prophecy, Jacob said “Gad, a troop shall overcome him: but he shall overcome at the (Gen. 49:19)”. The troop was the legion, which overcame one in the lineage of Gad. But the victory Christ gave him, became the word that brought freedom to the people of Gad. This was the prophetic destiny of the region he was in (their freedom was tied to his).

From this story, we find that it is good for us to trust in the ways of God, even when what He does contradicts what we desire. For we know He is good, and He knows what’s best for us.


Prayer request:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to help us to trust in Him at all times.





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