The Way to the Father

Call to Prayer
Topic: The Way to the Father
Date: 14.10.2024
By: Daniel Peter
Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?
(Psalm 24:3, NIV)
When God created man, He placed him in Eden, which was a place of God’s presence (Genesis 2:8-10). Though man was in God’s presence, his function was to rule, as he was given power and authority (dominion) over all creatures in Eden (Genesis 1:26-28). The quality of one’s rule depends on his character. For this reason, God created man in His own image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27), which is the very nature of God. That is, Adam could act like God and exercise His rule on earth.
When Adam sinned, he gained a new nature, which was the nature of sin, contrary to the nature of God he had at creation (Romans 5:12). For this reason, God removed him from the Garden of Eden, as he could no longer fulfil his function as a ruler like God, as God had intended. He also stood the chance of remaining in the death state if he partook of the Tree of Life (Genesis 3:22-24). However, God had a plan to restore him.
Adam was not the first creature to lose his place in God’s presence, as Lucifer had also fallen from the presence of God (symbolized as the top of the mount in Ezekiel 28:14, similarly called the Garden of God in Ezekiel 28:13). However, Lucifer attempted to ascend back to God’s presence by himself. His intent was described in Isaiah 14:13-14, which led God to judge him further, removing him from the earth to under the earth (Isaiah 14:15). Lucifer sinned in his attempt to ascend, not because his desire was wrong, but because he wanted to do it without God, saying, “I will.”.
To prevent man from making the same mistake as Lucifer, Jesus Christ came down to earth (John 3:16). His coming was not because He fell like Lucifer and Adam, but because He was sent to restore mankind back to the Father (1 John 4:14). Unlike Lucifer, He didn’t attempt to ascend back to the Father by Himself but was exalted there by the Father when He obeyed Him till the very end (Philippians 2:8-9). His life became an example to us; when we follow His footsteps by imitating His obedience, we too will receive the same exaltation.
Jesus Christ is also called “the Way” (John 14:6) because, by following Him, we are restored to the presence of the Father, where Adam fell from.
Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us follow Jesus Christ’s example by humbling ourselves and being obedient even unto death.

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