The will of God

Call to Prayer

Title: The will of God

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 13.09.2024


And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28)


A will is an intent that is supported by a purpose. Everything created or manufactured serves the will of its creator or manufacturer. Failure to fulfil that often leads to fruitless effort. A vehicle is originally intended to convey people or goods from point A to B. Regardless of a vehicle’s body build up, it is the sole desire of the vehicle’s manufacturer that it performs its purpose. Someone can buy a vehicle and just park it at home and be walking on foot despite the potential of the vehicle to help convey them. Although in that case,ย  the vehicle is manufactured and bought, however, it does not satisfy the purpose of its invention.

Just like earthly manufacturers produce goods or services with a desire to meet a need that serves in general the purpose of easing life challenges people face; God also as the creator of all things, visible and the invisible (Colossians 1:16), created us for a purpose and that is attached to His will. Most people don’t get to ask themselves these crucial questions like ; why am I here? where am I going?ย We have accepted that our identity is based on our earthly origins like China, Ghana, Germany, The UK etc which are false. Because of that so many people are trapped in racial discrimination, tribal profiling, language and social disputes.

The fact that we came to the world to a specific geographic location does not automatically mean that the regions we come from determine our divine purpose. Likewise, as we face different life issues and experience a lot of setback or success, that also does not necessarily mean we are serving our purpose according to the will of the creator. Even though God created us and gave us the power to make our choice or will, however, that should not interfere with serving His will for us. We need to first of all discover our real identity by going to the creator in sincere and intentional prayer with humility to accept whatever He tells us about ourselves. When we truthfully seek His will, we might find out that what we are currently doing with full confidence is not even near His will for our lives. Consultingย  philosophy, seers, sorcerers in order to know our purpose in life is counterproductive.

Fellow witnesses of Christ, being in the Kingdom of God does not also mean we are serving His will neither our purpose. Passing through hard times also does not guarantee we are serving His will, because ignorance and foolishness too come with consequential sufferings, being prosperous or materially successful also does not mean one is doing the will of God. It is required that a believer seeks God personally and discover their purpose by knowing His will for them. Only that can give true satisfaction and meaning to earthly existence.

Prayer point:

Lets thanks God and also ask Him to reveal His will to us so that we can serve our individual purpose in life.

Repost: 18.07.2023


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