Call to prayer

Title: The work has been done

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 08/02/2022


It is finished.ย  ย JOHN 19:30


We need to be delivered from the power of the devil, we need death and the grave to be conquered, and our Lord Jesus Christ has done it all. And beyond all that, we need a new nature, because we need not only forgiveness of sins, but to be made fit to have communion and fellowship with God.

We need to have a nature that can stand before God, for โ€œGod is light, and in him is no darkness at allโ€ (1 John 1:5). And Christ has come and given Himself, His own nature, the eternal life of which he speaks in John 17:1-5. So here, looking at it all, He can say, โ€œI have finished the work which thou gavest me to doโ€ (verse 4).

He has done everything that is necessary for man to be reconciled to God. Have you realized, my friends, that this work is finished? Have you realized that it is finished as far as you are concerned? You are asked whether you are a Christian, and you reply that you are hoping to be, but that you need to do this, that, and the other.

No! Christ says, โ€œI have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.โ€ The work has been done, and what proves whether we are truly Christians or not is whether we know and realize that the work has been done and that we then rest, and rest only, upon the finished work of our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If we see it all in Him and the work done and completed in Him, it means we are Christians.

The way for you to know God and to be reconciled to Him is wide-open in the Lord Jesus Christ and His perfect work on your behalf. If you have never entered in before, enter in now, rest upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and begin to rejoice, immediately, in your great salvation.

A thought to ponderย 

The way for you to know God, and to be reconciled to Him, is wide-open in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Prayer point

Pray that you will know God and live for Him.

God bless us allย 


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