The written Word

Call to Prayer

Title: The written Word

By: Simon Maina Nuhu



Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts” (Jeremiah 15:16).


Every country or Kingdom in this world has a final seal of authority that defines it’s sovereignty, this often is referred to as the constitution. It may be written or unwritten, however, it stipulates the laws and regulations that guide all behaviors regarding civic responsibilities. The constitution is considered the most powerful authority in any organized society. It provides the idea of how certain behaviors should be, in addition, it gives penalties which could be as severe as unto even death for whoever violates or break it.

Now, the Kingdom of God is a divine sovereign state that has God as the final authority. In Him comes the constitution (The word, John 1:1). He gives out the constitution of His kingdom as whole counsel to all the current and prospective citizens to abide in it carefully. The Scripture is the ultimate guideline to all who truly belong to the Kingdom, and it is expected to be adhered to at all times. Studying and meditating it gives one abundant access to the mind, power, knowledge and consciousness of God. As believers, we do not even know ourselves until we passionately read and obey the constitution (Bible). The written word is not just powerful, but also is life! It heals the spirit, soul and body of a man, it gives wisdom profitable to direct, it gives eternal life, it gives good success, it provides solution to all life’s problems.

It is with the written word prophesies, dreams, visions, revelations, spirits, relationships, issues of life, character, manifestations, gifts, tongues, etc are evaluated and righteously judged! Any man who disregards the final authority which is the written word, is not actually a true believer.ย  Nevertheless, the word can’t be understood thus can’t translate into reality with just rational human brain, for it is a great mystery that comes alive when activated by the Holy Spirit. ‘It is written’ is greater than what we see, perceive or fell. Even Jesus the word in flesh used the written word to overcome the Devil (Matthew 4:1-11)

As powerful as the written word is, it is acted upon by the Spirit of God in order to transform; meaning that the written word alone can’t bring result. That is why, religious people are sound with theoretical knowledge of the scripture just like the Pharisees but lack ability to manifest the reality of it because the Holy Spirit is not there. Having the word alone makes one a religious fanatic, a carnal believer, an extremist. Just like the earthly constitution needs an arm of a government to work, so also the written word is supported by the Holy Spirit; these two always work together to fulfill the will of God in a believer (Ephesians 6:12).

Prayer point

Let’s thank God for the message and ask Him to help us to always respect the written word.


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