There Shall Be a Difference


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 29.05.2022

Title: There Shall Be a Difference


Then you shall again discern between the righteous and the wicked, between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him. (Malachi 3:18 NKJV)


After the Disciples had been with our Lord Jesus Christ for some time, there was still one particular question at the back of their minds which was bothering them. They had already asked our Lord a lot of great questions concerning the Kingdom and the Lord had answered all of them. However, this question was still yet to be asked. One day, Apostle Peter gathered courage and asked this question.

He asked that they have given up everything to follow the Lord and what will they get? Our Lord Jesus replied and assured them that everyone who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the Kingdom of God, will be repaid many times over in this life, and will have eternal life in the world to come (Matt 19:27-30, Luke 18:28-30, Mark 10:28-31).

This is a question that most Christians including myself ask all the time. This is because the life of a Christian may sometimes be full of trials, persecutions, sufferings, and long waits. For example, someone may offend you, insult you and even go to the extent of slapping you but you canโ€™t retaliate for the Lordโ€™s sake. Your friends may use foul-means like corruption, bribery, prostitution, Robbery etc. to acquire wealth but you have to always use the right way.

You may experience some hardships as a result, and they will then mock you and say that you are not smart, or you are stupid. They will say what have you gained for serving the Lord or being faithful to the Lord? Sometimes, you have to sacrifice your family-time, fun-time or relaxation-time to do the work of the Lord. After doing all these, you may one day experience a tragedy or lose a loved one that only God can explain why and then you will arrive at the question, โ€œwhat do I get?โ€.

You may be asking yourself this question, but I would like to assure you that God is faithful and true to His Word. Every work you do and every sacrifice you make for the Lord will be rewarded. God is not a man to forget what you have done (Heb 6:10). Everything you have done is already recorded in His Books and He will reward you at the appropriate time. The answers, breakthroughs, and the miracles you have been waiting for, will definitely come. There are some of the blessings we will receive on this Earth and some of them, in Heaven. Most importantly, you have received the greatest blessing of all (Eternal Life). Your labor will surely not be in vain (1. Cor 15:58)!

Therefore, beloved in the Lord, donโ€™t worry about all the sufferings and persecutions you have to endure in this moment but focus on the rewards that will come later. Letโ€™s learn from our Lord Jesus who humbled Himself and endured sufferings and persecutions. As a result, He has been exalted to the highest place and given a name that is above every other name (Phil 2:5-11). Those in the world will now mock you and laugh at you but we will see who will have the last laugh. There shall surely be a difference between those who serve the Lord and those who do not!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to strengthen every Believer to endure sufferings, hardships, and persecutions. Letโ€™s also ask the Lord to help every Believer to be conscious always of the fact that our labor will not be in vain.

God bless you all.


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