Train Your Child


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 30.06.2024

Title: Train Your Child


Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 NKJV)


A few weeks ago, a friend of ours invited us to her birthday party. At this party, there was a lot of food to eat, and they played all sorts of worldly music. When the worldly songs were playing, the child of one friend seemed to know all the songs and sang along including all the profanity. His father was so proud of him and was boasting that his son knows all the songs in his Album collection. I said in my head that my son can also sing all the Gospel songs on my Playlist. Thatโ€™s when I realized that parents play a big role in the spiritual development of their children.

As parents, we have a big role to play in the development of our children. We are to train and teach our children the ways of the Lord, and the Lord expects us to do so (Prov 22:6, Deut 6:7). We may have busy schedules but letโ€™s still make time to teach our children. We should know that they will make a lot of mistakes because of their lack of knowledge and understanding in a lot of things. When they do so, letโ€™s not push them away. However, letโ€™s correct them in love so they can learn from their mistakes.

Also, it is very important to know that most of the things that our children learn from us are not taught directly but what they have seen us often do. Children are very observant. My son used to run around the Church with other kids. One day, as we were arranging the Instruments for Service, he picked up a Microphone and started singing. At home, he mostly uses anything as a microphone and act like he is preaching. We didnโ€™t teach him that, but he has seen it being done in the Church several times.

Thatโ€™s why as parents we have to be mindful of the way we live and most importantly, letโ€™s be doers of the word of God (Js 1:22). Letโ€™s cultivate the habit of regular Prayer Meetings and Bible Studies at home. These are habits that if our children should adopt, they will go a long way to help them in their relationship with the Lord.

Beloved in the Lord, children are gifts from the Lord. Therefore, when He gives them to us, letโ€™s take good care of them and teach them the ways of the Lord so they can grow to become who the Lord wants them to be. Parent, you have a big role!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all parents around the world to be good examples and also train and teach their children the ways of the Lord.

God bless you all!

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God bless you all!


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