
Call to prayerย 

Title: Trials

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 05/07/2022


I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. JOHN 17:15


Godโ€™s way is not to take us out of the difficulties and trials, not to avoid them. His way is to enable us and to strengthen us, so that we can go through them with heads erect and undefeated, more than conquerors in them and over them. And that is a wonderful thing.

We must never grumble at our lot(your lot is the kind of life you have or the things that you have or experience), nor ask doubting questions. We must rather believe that there is always a purpose in these trials, if we can but see it; we must believe that God has laid this thing upon us and that He has left us in this situation in order that we may show forth His glory. The disciples were left in the world to do that, and you and I can be certain that whatever we may be passing through at this moment is a part of Godโ€™s plan and purpose for us to show forth His glory.

The world may not recognise you; it may ignore and dismiss you, and others may get all they want from the world. Do not worry about it. The saints have experienced the same thing, and Christ knew something similar: โ€œWoe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!โ€ (Luke 6:26). All is well; you are fulfilling the glory of God even as you go through a trial. Paul came to see that about his thorn in the flesh. โ€œAll right, God,โ€ he says in effect, โ€œI asked You three times to remove it, but You are leaving it. I see now that Your glory is going to be shown through me. Very well, I will glory in this infirmity. I will stop asking You to take it away. It is really when I am weak that Your power is made manifest in me and through me.โ€ So we must never grumble. We must gladly accept what He allows and remember that we are fulfilling the glory of God.


A thought to ponderย 

We must never grumble at our lot, nor ask doubting questions.

Prayer point

Let us ask for the grace to stand in the face of adversity.


God bless us all


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