Trusting God

Call to Prayer

Title: Trusting God

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 22.12.2023


ย Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.ย  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)


God Almighty belongs to His own class, He cannot be compared with any being or creature in Heaven, on Earth or beneath. For that reason, there are somethings that are accorded to Him and Him alone. These are worship, praise, glory and trust. He shares no glory with any creature, likewise worship, praise etc. I would like to focus mainly on trust. Trust is such a delicate and valuable virtue which can be likened to a mirror; when broken, even though it can be fixed, it can never be smooth as it was because it will definitely show some cracks. Many times we trust human beings and are extremely convinced that they are reliable or capable of handling the impossible. These could be our close family members, our intimate friends, our guardians, our parents, our spouse etc. We tend to have high expectations and strong faith in them without considering that they are humans, thus limited. No matter the peak of perfection of a man, he is still liable to make mistakes.

We make a huge mistake by investing such a delicate virtue on a human being. Most of us tend to go by the dictate of our society or trend of fashion without properly subjecting them to the word of God. Going through the scriptures, God did not and does not any time command or exhort us to trust any human being, not even His anointed servants like the priests, prophets. He always wants us to trust in Him. Have you wondered why when you trust someone and the person fails or disappoints you, even though you reconcile with them the trust never comes back? That is because trust is fragile and no human being is capable of maintaining its requirement.

God wants you to trust Him because He is the only one capable of honouring it; He is tested and trusted! We read through the scriptures how He honoured the covenants He had with Noah, Abraham, Moses, Israelites, David etc. It is inspiring to learn how Job despite His predicaments such as everybody abandoned him, his wife asked him to curse God and die, his friends faulted and mocked him, he still trusted in God (Job 13:15).

Beloved, let us learn to trust Him always. Trusting God makes us to throw away plan B or whatever thing we believe in.

Prayer point

Let’s thank God for the word and also ask Him to help us to trust Him at all times and all situations.


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