Uncovering the Mystery of Iniquity


Title:ย Uncovering the Mystery of Iniquity

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 17.06.2021

For theย mystery of iniquityย doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

(2Th 2:7 KJV)

The end time is a period that will be marked by a heightened level of operations of certain mysteries, both in the kingdom of God and that of the devil. Uncovering them will give you the empowerment to either operate in them (mysteries of the Kingdom of God) or dominate them (mysteries of the kingdom of the devil). One of such mysteries that will be in heightened operation this end time is the mystery of iniquity; sin will increase in the world. This is not necessary because of the power of the devil, but God will allow it so that the full measure of His judgment will come (1Tim 2:3-12). Therefore, understanding the origin and operation of the mystery of iniquity is a way of escape.

The original idea of God in the creation of the universe is that all things will be located in Christ. As revealed in my previous post (titled โ€˜In Himโ€™), the statement โ€˜In the beginningโ€™ expressed in Genesis 1:1 is not suggestive of time, but a location, as Jesus Christ is THE BEGINNING and THE END. Therefore, the heavens and earth were created in Jesus Christ (making Jesus not just a person, but also a location). God Himself dwells in Christ and Christ in Him (Col. 1:19). We need to know that In Christ Jesus is light, there is no darkness in Him (1 John 1:5). What this means is that righteousness dwells in Him, and no sin at all. The opposite of this statement is true; outside Christ is darkness. And in darkness is sin; there is no righteousness in darkness. Therefore, to operate in righteousness, you have to continually be in Christ. Departure from Christ is an entrance into sin.

The location Christ is accessed by faith. This faith is expressed by agreeing with what God says about Himself, His works, the revelation of His plans, and acknowledging Him for all things no matter the situation. Lucifer, now the devil, is one that decided to leave the location called Christ into darkness by not abiding in (continuing in or agreeing with) the Truth (John 8:44); he decided to live a lie. He became self-deceived because of his beauty (Ezekiel 28; Isaiah 14). As a result of this fall into darkness, Satan became sin, for he took up its nature (The fall of Satan marked the birth of Sin). Seeing the judgment he had to endure, it has been his life mission to see that mankind falls into the same condemnation. How does it achieve it?

The interaction between Eve and the serpent as recorded in Genesis 3: 1-6 revealed how he lured (deceived) Eve out of Christ by making her disagreeing (doubt) Godโ€™s word, therefore she fell into darkness. Sin is only possible in darkness. However, there is another level of deception expressed in Romans 1:18 โ€“ 28. It was stated that โ€˜men held the truth of God in unrighteousness (verse 18)โ€™. This was because, despite the obviousness of Godโ€™s power and presence from the observation of nature, they did not acknowledge God (We acknowledge God by thanksgiving expressed in giving Him the glory). The resultant effect of manโ€™s action is what I want us to notice. It was stated in verse 24 of the Chapter thatย โ€œWherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselvesโ€. In summary, because they were unthankful (which is sin), God gave them up to sin even much more (heightened level of sin). This is the mystery of iniquity that will operate in this end time, for the bible states in 2Timothy 3:1-2 that in the last dayโ€™s men will become unthankful. And Revelation 14:7 revealed one of the messages from the Angels for the period of the end time isย โ€œFear God and GLORY HIM GLORYโ€. Now, the reason God give up people to more sin is so that they can receive the full measure of their judgment (Genesis 15:16). The devil causes people to be unthankful by making them see God and His works differently, and itโ€™s a sign of pride. Again, if lack of thanksgiving can lead to being in the bondage of sin, thanksgiving can deliver you from sin (Romans 7:24-25)


Prayer Point:


Letโ€™s ask God to help every Christian to be thankful and to give him the glory.


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