Under Authority

Call To Prayer

Title: Under Authority

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 13.09.2023


For I am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, โ€˜Go,โ€™ and he goes; and that one, โ€˜Come,โ€™ and he comes. I say to my servant, โ€˜Do this,โ€™ and he does it.โ€ย Matthew 8:9 NIV


When the Lord instructed Moses on the construction of the tabernacle, for Him to build as it was shown to him on the mount was an emphasis (Exo. 25:40). As soon as the tabernacle was completed (made according to pattern), the glory of the Lord came down (Exo. 40:33-34). So it is with our lives. There is a pattern for us to build our lives by, and that pattern is Jesus who is the word. When we conform ourselves to the pattern, the glory of God will be revealed in our lives.

As a consequence of His liberality and by the promise of the Gospel of us being heirs of God, each of us has received power and authority from Him (Luke 10:19). This means we have received the right to reign as kings. But His model or pattern for us is that we should be subjected to Him, despite the sovereignty He has given to us. This was expressed in how Jesus Christ lived on earth. Despite being every way God as the Father, He subjected Himself to the Fatherโ€™s rule by being obedient to Him (Eph. 2:8). Jesus Christ never did anything on His own (John 8:28). This was how He showed reverence (Godly fear) for Him and He was always heard (Heb. 5:7). This is His desire on how we should live our lives.

Now, how do we come under Godโ€™s authority? The first thing we need to do to come under the authority of God is for us to subject ourselves to the authority of the word. God and His word are one (John 1:1). And in His word are instructions on how we should conduct our lives. The word of God doesn’t just come to us through scriptures, He also speaks to us by the Holy Spirit through different means. As we seek out His will by searching scriptures and inquiring from Him about His will before making any decision, we are subjecting ourselves to Him. As we live our lives by observing the commands of God, we are subjecting ourselves to His authority.

Other than subjecting ourselves to the spoken and written word, we are to subject ourselves to the human authorities He has given to us. Just as you can not say you love God without loving your neighbour, you cannot say you are subjected to the authority of God if you are not subjecting yourself to the human authorities He has given to you. This was how Jesus Christ lived. When He was 12 years old and felt it was time to do the Fatherโ€™s business, at the request of the parents, He left the temple and followed them home. The bible witnessed that He was obedient to them (Luke 2:51). This was not the only time He obeyed them. Just after He came out of the wilderness, Jesus Christ felt it wasn’t time for Him to begin ministry. However, at His mum’s request, He turned water into wine and His ministry started (John 2: 4-11). We see that the voice of the mother (His parents) became the voice of God to Him.

Apart from natural parents, your spiritual parents, mentors, religious leaders (pastors and other ministry gifts directly linked to you) etc. are people the Lord can speak to you through their counsel and instructions. We are coming under His authority when we obey them.

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to help the body of Christ to come under His authority fully.


Reposted from:ย 28.09.2022


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