

Title:ย Understanding

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 25.08.2021


We have much to say about this, but it is hard to make it clear to you because you no longerย try to understand.

(Heb. 5:11 NIV)


God is a communicator, and in one of His forms, He exists as the Word. This goes to show how important it is for Him that His thoughts and ideas are understood by those He is communicating with. Hearing Him speak through the gift of Prophecy one time, I heard Him call himself a talkative. Despite this, none of what He says is without meaning, for He saidย โ€œeveryย jotย andย tittleย must be fulfilled (Matt. 5:18)โ€,ย and โ€œevery wordย He speaks is important for living (Matt. 4:4)โ€.

Words have their origin fromย ideas. When anย ideaย is conceived, it becomes aย concept.ย That concept is transmitted using words. Communication is said to be achieved when the listener understands the idea or concept the speaker is trying to pass by words. When there is a misunderstanding on the part of the listener, it producesย a misconceptionย in his or her mind. When Godโ€™s word is misunderstood, it produces false beliefs, and false belief is the mother of ill practices and actions, which leads to bondage. This is the reason the bible saidย โ€œThe letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life (2 Cor. 3:6)โ€. That life that the spirit gives is a product of right or good understanding.

Seeking understanding pleases God. Patriarchs of the faith were commended because of this: David was referred to as a man after Godโ€™s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14). The word translated heart in that verse of scriptures is from the Hebrew word โ€œLebabโ€, which means โ€œmindโ€ or โ€œunderstandingโ€. Therefore, David was chosen over Saul because he sought to know the mind of God (he sought understanding). Again, Daniel was revealed to be greatly beloved by God when He sought to understand a revelation he had (Daniel 10: 1-2,11). Furthermore, Moses set himself apart from the children of Israel because He knew the ways of God (which is understanding), while the others knew only His acts (Psalm 103:7). The acts of God are His miracles.

In one of her articles, H. Emilie Candy defined spiritual understanding asย the revelation of Truth to the consciousness of a person is spiritual understanding. Now, how do we gain it? Now, itโ€™s good for us to know that sometimes understanding comes to us without us seeking it. For example, it was witnessed in Genesis 41:15 that when Joseph hears a dream, he can interpreter it (Interpretation is a product of understanding). Other times, we will have to seek out the meaning of the dreams, visions, a voice, or circumstance etc. before we gain an understanding of them. We see this in Daniel, who fasted for 21 days to understand the revelation that he had (Daniel 10: 1-2). The first is a manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the second is a product of a relationship with God (God wants us to excel in both).ย 

Seeking to understand a word, in whatever form it comes, is seeking to know His will. This is the generation of people God is looking for (Psalms 24:6). These are the beloved of God, like David and Daniel. We seek the Lord in prayer, word study, fasting and giving.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us also ask Him to give us understanding and a heart to seek to know His mind.

God bless you allย 

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