Understanding components of a Man

Call to Prayer

Title: Understanding components of a Man

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 11.01.2023


”And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


The creation of man by the almighty God was quite unique and distinct from that of other creations. For other creations, He just spoke it and they came into existence but when creating a man, it involved Him forming a structure out of the dust of the earth and breathing the breath of life, and behold man became a living being (Genesis 2:7). The complexity of man is due to the components He is made up of that makes Him exceptionally superior to other creatures. These components are the body(flesh), soul, and spirit.

The bodyย which is also the flesh is the active physical part of man, it provides the physical frame and built up to the man in order to relate with his natural environment through physical activities. The function of the body is to equip man to carry out physical obligations such as taking care of nature, managing the things God created, and demonstrating physical dominion over the natural realm such as living (animals) and non-living (air, rain, cloud, mountains, oceans) things.

The soulย is the most valuable treasure, and also is the duplicate of physical man in the spiritual realm. The soul is a spiritual identity that enables man to live forever. God created the soul with the ability to live forever, regardless of its eternal destiny (Heaven, earth or Hell). All human beings have a soul whether believers or unbelievers, and it is what the man does or how he lives his life while on earth that determines the eternal abode of the soul. The soul cannot be destroyed by anyone except God Himself that created and Has the power to condemn or redeem it. The scripture makes us understand that a soul is more expensive than the entire world (Mark 8:26), and Heaven greatly rejoices over the soul that repents (Luke 15:10).

The spirit is the innermost medium that reveals the consciousness and mind of God to a man. The role of the spirit of man is to connect him with God through the Spirit of God in fellowship (Romans 8:16), so that man does the will of God on earth. I would say, it is like Bluetooth which connects two devices in order to exchange information, and share files with each other. As we know that God is Spirit (John 4:24), and therefore can only fellowship with us through spirit, and not through flesh. God wants us to fellowship with Him, have a discussion, and see things the way He sees but that can only be possible if our human spirit is alive. When the spirit of man is dead through sin, it becomes difficult for God to speak His mind to the person, in that situation, the flesh controls the man and whatever he does is out of ignorance which leads Him to displease God, even so to the eternal condemnation of his soul.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for today’s message.


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