Understanding concept of time and season

Call To Prayer

Title: Understanding the concept of time and season

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 23.09.2022


To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:(Ecclesiastes 3:1)


Time is a frame of existence that determines the beginning, process, and end of events, occasions, activities, etc. It is indeed, the foundation of all occurrences under the sun, it serves as evidence of the past, the present, and also predictions of the future. The scripture makes us understand that to everything there is a time, it goes further by specifying the different phases of occurrence on the earth. Time reveals mysteries, manifestations, and fulfilments of what was and is to come. It is good to acknowledge time, but that is not enough! As we all know that time never reverses, we must therefore also understand that it is fundamental to learn how to take advantage of it in order to prevent eventual regrets. Time partners with us to achieve success or harvest failure.

The farmer is one person who understands the concept of time and season wisely. He knows when to prepare for the rainy season by utilizing the signs that appear through activities of nature. He knows when to plant the seeds (spring) and when to harvest (autumn). Now, therefore, we need to understand this; knowing that time runs and never come back is not what makes us successful, but how we prepare by being sensitive to signs and taking action in the appropriate situation. Time is such a fair and just rewarder of events to people that utilize it. As far as the natural world is concerned, time does not differentiate between a believer and an unbeliever. People who prudently use their premium season reap success and those who overlook their season reap failure and shame.

As it is in the physical world, so also in the spiritual realm. We need to be wise and sensitive to observe signs when we have to move from one phase of growth to the next. Dearly beloved, we should know that there is time for us to move from salvation to knowing ourselves in God, a time to move from grace to overcome flesh to a time to manifest the fruits of the spirit, a time to move from heart circumcision to obtaining gifts of the spirit for service. Just as a nursing mother who knows the time to breastfeed the baby and the time to teach the baby how to eat solid food.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for the message. Let’s also ask for the grace to recognise the right thing to do at each time and to do it.


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